Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

The next couple of days were average, my routine was back to normal. I woke up, went to school, came home, ate food, made a YouTube video then went back to bed.

I was enjoying no drama to say the lest. I was spending more and more time with my friends and staying away from any trouble that was happening.

I was really excited for today too because I finally got to spend time with Ryan-my cousin. It had felt like I hadn't spent a full day with him for months.

Even though he was my cousin he was a really good friend of mine. He was so funny and I knew I could trust him. Hence why we were in the same friendship group. Don't get me wrong he can be annoying as hell when it comes to parties as he thinks he can suddenly snap into big cousin mode ( let no boy go near Brooke unless it's one of my friends that I know Brooke doesn't like) guess who yet? Nathan.


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I decided I actually wanted to some what dress up today. I hadn't really been out apart from school so today was a first for a while.

Not to mention that the weather was so nice today. The sun was out and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Just how I like it.

When Ryan arrived at my house I decided to drive us both into town. The car ride was kind of silent, small talk here and there as we hummed and sang along to the radio.

When we finally arrived at the parking lot I grabbed my bag off the back seat and hopped out, catching up with Ryan who had already walked off.

As we walked down the road a little I saw a couple paparazzi walk around the corner, as soon as I caught their eyes they quickly made their way over to me and Ryan.

I quickly pulled my sunglasses down over my eyes as I shrugged lightly. I know my sunglasses were light but they are slightly reflective meaning they would only be able to see themselves in any photos that they took. Yesssss.

As we continued to walk we saw a cute little cafe shop that had recently just opened so decided we would try there prier to us getting out of the car.

When we got inside I ordered myself a cup of tea and Ryan ordered a coffee as I took a seat in on a small table towards the back of the shop. I knew the paparazzi would be able to take some photos but there wasn't much I could do.

When both me and Ryan was both sat down i lifted the glasses from my eyes and placed them on my head, smiling at him as he returned it.

"So how has my little cousin been" he pouted his lips looking at me like I was a child.

Immediately I rolled my eyes at him, he always did this. Bare in mind that he is only a month and a half older than me. Every time I saw him after long periods of time he would do it, knowing full well it pisses me off.

"Iv been good, pretty busy but good" I smiled as I poured some sugar into the little cup.

I loved tea. However, Americas tea had absolutely nothing on British tea. I mean just everything is better, the tea bags...the milk. I never used to notice any of this until I went back one year ago for a family wedding. That's when I had my first British cup of tea in about 4 years and then it hit me. America has nothing on British tea.

"Iv been good yanow" he shrugged his shoulders as I blinked multiple times. You know when you are looking at a certain spot for so long and your eyes start to go fuzzy and zone out? That's what happens to me when I zone out and start thinking to myself.

"How are you and Justin?" He's slumped back in his seat as he watched me. His phone vibrated for a second which caught his attention however his attention snapped back up to meet mine.

"Okay" I shrugged. I didn't want to talk about Justin today. I wanted to talk about absolutely anything but.

"Really? That's not what he told me earlier" Ryan raised his eyebrows as mine immediately dipped into a frown.

"What do you mean? When? What?" The questions fell from my mouth before I could even think about it.

I mean when did Justin talk to me about Ryan? What had Justin told Ryan about the whole agreement?

"Earlier we were all together at Nathan's, yanow all the boys. Well I said about what happened the other day in the canteen and he just shrugged me off and said it was nothing. Obviously it wasn't I mean he was fucking pissed. But then he said that you haven't talked to him so nothing else has happened" Ryan careless spoke as he looked around the cafe.

Ugh he's so fucking pathetic. Blaming it on me. He's the one that totally flipped on me for no damn reason.

"How?" Ryan deep voice suddenly pulled me away from my thoughts. Frowning my eyebrows I looked at him questioningly.

"How what" I looked at him stupidity.

"You said he's fucking pathetic" Ryan laughed at my confused expression I take it.

Oh yeah nice one Brooke you just speak whatever you're thinking without God damn thinking. Nice one.

"He's just annoying. I mean everyone was so happy for me. I was so happy I mean you know more than anyone how long iv been waiting for something like this. I want nothing more than to travel the world and meet all the people that follow my YouTube channel. I ligit felt like my dream was finally coming true after years and years and then he just shits on me. He totally ruined my mood that day and not to even mention he totally embarrassed me. I mean who the hell does he think he is shouting at me in the middle of the canteen in front of everyoneee? Then when I got home he-" immediately my eyes widened when I realised I was rambling and not actually thinking about what I was saying. Okay Brooke that's enough before you let something slip that can't be told.

"Then when you got home he what?" Ryan raised his eyebrow at me as he leaned forward.

I thought for a second. Pick your words wisely Brooke. "he just kept texting me basically saying what he said in the canteen" I rolled my eyes.

Ryan nodded his head as he looked down at his phone again, annoyance flashed across his face as he read over a message although as soon as the emotion swiped over his face it vanished again. I studied him for a second. That is until he looked up, looking at me straight faced as a raised his eyebrow slightly.

"Why are you staring at me?" Ryan tried his hardest to keep his face straight but failed, finally a bright smile spread across his face.

"Shut up" I rolled my eyes at him shaking him off as I took another sip of my tea.

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