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Calm Down

~3rd Person P.O.V~

Hearing a knock at the door, the young country runs to it. Their brother, working in his study, left them in charge of the door. They opened the door, only to find no one there. They expected some sort of package, but instead they saw a heart shaped note on the floor. Picking it up, they close the door and walks to the living room. They sit down on the couch and reads the note.

To the dearest (y/n), the country (c/n)

You are the most astonishing person I've seen.

Your hair is so silky, while your eyes shimmer in the light.

Your laughs and giggles are adorable. And when you talk, you are bright. 

Your personality is amazing. While your smiles are sweet.

I hope to see you, I hope again we meet.

(Y/n) sits there, confused. Who sent this? It doesn't have a signature or anything. They reread it over and over, until the point to where they can recite the whole thing without reading it. Clearly this person has met (y/n) before, seeing that they know that they are a country and that they want to meet again.

'It must be a secret admirer!' (Y/n) thinks, but then gets nervous. What if her brother found out? He would surely be even more overprotective than he already is.

"(Y/n)? Who was at the door, aru? Was it my package?" A young looking man walks into the living room, having completed his work and is curious. The young country tenses up, as their brother walk into the room.

"N-no one China. Someone just knocked on the door and left. Or like how America calls it, a ding dong ditch...or knock in this case." They quickly replies, hiding the card behind their back.

"Are you sure, aru? That doesn't seem like something someone in the town would do, not even the small children." China asked back. Walking more into the living room, he stands in front of his sibling, hands on hips with a skeptical look on his face. He quickly realizes that (y/n) is hiding something, for they had their hands behind their back, even though they're sitting down.

(Y/n) nods quickly. He walks closer to them. He gains a sly smirk as he notices his sibling getting nervous.

"You sure? Maybe I just have to get the answer out of you!" He pounces at (y/n), catching them off guard. He starts to tickle them, causing them to drop the card.

"N-no! S-stop!" (Y/n) screams, laughing and trying to push their brother off. China stopped after a few seconds before grabbing the card that fell to the floor. He examines the heart shaped card while (y/n) tries to gain their breath back. As they sit up they realize that the card was dropped. They look up at their brother and watch him read the card, it was too late to stop him now. He looks over at them before questioning.

"What is this, aru? Who gave you this?" (Y/n) sighs before standing up and looking at him dead in the eye. They take a deep breath, making him think something serious is going to be said.

"I have absolutely no idea." China stares at (y/n) with a blank expression. "When I opened the door, there was no one there. The card was the only thing there." China scoffed.

"Well if anyone asks you on a date you-"

"I decline nicely unless it's France or America. If it's one or the other I decline rudely... Yes, I know. You've told me many times before." China smiles before going into the kitchen. Then there was a knock at the door again. China sprints to it and opens it.

"What happened to the 'no running in the house', huh?" (Y/n) ask as he closes the door. China looks at them before giving a small chuckle.

"Oh hush, aru. I make up the rules here." (Y/n) simply rolled their eyes before chuckling. "Anyway, did you pack your stuff already, aru? We have to go to the world Meeting in three days." They start heading to their rooms.

"Not entirely..." (Y/n) answers as they closes the door to their room.

~Time Skip~

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"

"For the last time, no aru!" The young country simply giggled at their brother's outburst. They were currently in America, driving to the meeting.

When they arrived they were greeted by Germany who had just arrived.

"China, (c/n). Good to see that you're early" Germany greets the as the three of them walk into the building. The youngest country sighed.

"For the last time Germany, just call me by my human name - (y/n). No need to be formal." (Y/n) greets back as Germany blushes.

"R-right, sorry...Then you can call me Ludwig." He states back while smiling and (Y/n) smiles back. All the while, China has been glaring at Germany. China still hasn't forgotten about the letter and is being even more protective. After all, he doesn't want another sibling to leave him.

They soon reach the room. After a couple of minutes, more and more countries start entering the room. And soon enough, the meeting started.

China has been watching every country that has talked to his little sibling, specially France. (Y/n) noticed that their brother has been staring at them for some while. So they decided to go talk to him.

"Hey big bro, what's up?" They asked as China shakes his head.

"Ayia, you know how much i don't like you talking like America, aru..." He states while looking at them.

"Right, sorry." (Y/n) apologizes. "So anyway, what's wrong?" He scoffs and looks away. Countries are starting to leave the room since it's break.

"Nothing, aru. Nothings wrong." He states. (Y/n) stares at him before realizing and laughs.

"Wait...don't tell me... It's about that note from earlier? Isn't it?" China just blushes, confirming their speculation. (Y/n) just laughs even more.

"Jeez, don't get so worked up. It's not like any of them would ask me out, except for France..." They mumble the last part. "Even if I did agree to go out with them, I would probably date them like how humans date." (Y/n) sits down on the seat next to him, which was Russia's but that doesn't matter. 

China still wasn't pleased. (Y/n) stared at him before talking more. 

"Plus, I don't think I'm ready for a relationship." They state with a small laugh. China looks over with a look before saying,

"Of course you're not ready to date! You're only 193 aru!" (Y/n) laughs.

"Whatever you say. But you know I wouldn't leave you for something as small as love, right? You're my big brother, I need you just as much as you need me." (Y/n) states, smiling at him. China smiles back, hugging them.

"Ayia~, you're just too cute aru!" (Y/n) laughs once more at the older brother.

"Luv ya too, you stale cinnamon role." China's eye twitches before pulling back with a angry expression.

"Who are you calling stale aru?!" (Y/n) just laughs at him. As countries start entering the room, since break was over, they hug one last time before leaving to go to take their seat.


Holy shit... it's been a while...hasn't it. I'm so sorry. I've been going through some stress and...stuff... Thank you all for all of your support! I will try to update at least once a month. However, no promises. Especially since I've been having huge writers block as well. So please go ahead and suggest some stuff! Anyway, I hope you all have/had a great day! Bye!

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