Sweden + Child!F!Reader + Finland

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I will not Forget

Requested: Finland and Sweden with Child Female Reader. Reader represents New Sweden.


Reader's POV:

I watch silently as multiple men walk off the boat and into my city. Most of them are in shackles, but are still dressed nicely. I tried talking with some of them but they spoke in a language I couldn't understand. I pout and watch my representative's talk with the soldiers who recently had gotten off.

"New Sweden." I hear a gruff voice call out to me. I turn around, seeing Sweden walking towards me. I beam with happiness, glad to see someone I recognize.

"Sweden!" I run up to him. He picks me up, bringing me into a slight hug. After the hug, he still carries me, making sure my dress doesn't pick up from the wind. It was then that I noticed a short man behind him, who was smiling at me. I look at my brother, a bit confused.

"Sweden, what's going on? Who are these people?" He lets out a small grunt, before putting me back down. I pat my dress, slightly anxious. Normally when Sweden comes over, he brings trading supplies, not people.

"These people are Värmland Finns. And this," He motions to the man behind him, who waves at me happily. I glare at him, not really trusting him, "is Finland. His people shall be living with us from now on, so be nice." I pout, crossing my arms. I don't think I've ever met any 'Finns.' I've only ever met Swedes and heard about Danes.

Finland walks up to me and kneels down to my level. He begins speaking, but I can't understand him. It sounds like he is speaking gibberish, just like the men from the boats. He stops talking, looking at me excitingly. I look at Sweden, confused. Sweden says something to Finland in the same language as before, causing Finland to look embarrassed. He laughs, looking at me sheepishly.

"Ah, forgive me. I did not know you don't speak Finnish." His Swedish has a strong accent, yet when he speaks it still sounds soft and nice. "I just said that I'm very excited to meet you. Your dress is absolutely beautiful." I uncross my arms and blush, playing with the hem of my dress.

"Oh, uh, thank you." I answer looking down, nervous to make eye contact. I look up at Sweden, who was softly smiling at our interaction.

"So this means, uh, this means..." I stare at the paper in front of me, trying to peice together the words. Finland sits beside me, waiting patiently for my answer. "This means 'The dog barked loudly.'" Finland claps and showers me in praises. 

He is currently teaching me Finnish. It has been a year or so since he first arrived and ever since then more and more Finnish people have been showing up. Sweden and Finland decided it was about time for me to learn how to speak Finnish. I shiver, feeling a breeze enter the house.

"I'm home." The door closes and in walks Sweden, some documents in hand.

"Sweden!" I run up to him, jumping into his arms. He drops the documents, startled by my outburst. I giggle. "Woops, sorry." I see Finland join us, bending down to pick up the scattered papers.

"How was the meeting?" He asks as he hands the documents back to Sweden, who still had me in his arms.

"Alright." Finland walks back to the table and begins to put away my studies. Sweden follows him, putting down the documents and looking at me. "How is your Finnish?"

"Amazing! I learned about animals today!" I answer smugly, happy to show off to Sweden.

"She practiced each word for ten minutes straight, saying she wanted to perfect them before you arrived." I lose my smug grin and blush.

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