Sweden and Finland pt. 2

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Uh, hi?

Requested: Make a part two, please (Reader is Female and used to represent New Sweden}

Quick A/N: Since New Sweden technically died, I took some creative liberties.

Present Day

Reader's POV:

I sigh as I play Japan's latest handheld console. I wish I could meet him, the only countries I have met are Canada, England, and France. There are three other countries, but the last time I saw them was when America was first discovered, I've changed since then. Hell, I'm a country now! Take that New Sweden!

After Netherlands's took over my colony, I ran off. I had heard from the representatives that he was planning on abolishing my colony. And a few years later, I learned that it was true. Right after I had ran away, the colony of New Sweden was no more.

Even though I was technically dead, I didn't feel anything. I was lost for a good few years, learning Dutch and barely being able to survive from my Finnish. But it all changed when I met Alfred. It was hard to communicate with him at first, but he managed to teach me some of his native language. When I told him about what had happened to my colony, he decided right then and there that we could be America together. I don't know how, or why, that worked, but it did. Everything that happened in the actual country, and everything that Alfred felt, I knew about and felt too. I had become America alongside him. Then history continued. England found us and took us in, France tried taking us away from him, we met Canada, we fought for our freedom from England, and now we're one of the top countries.

After our Revolution, we decided that Alfred would be the face of America. He would visit meetings and build up our power internationally. I was in charge of our people, working on the inside. I did everything behind the scenes, but I didn't mind. Alfred may be the face, but I am the brains, I have the true power in our country. My people know me and that's all I care about.

I hear the door open and close, Alfred's loud booming laughter filling the room. Since the meeting was being held in America, I could stay home without much worry. I hop off my bed, put away my console, and head out.

"How was the meeting?" I ask as I enter the living room, startled seeing other people besides Alfred.

"Hello love, how are you?" I'm met with the annoyed face of England, France sitting next to him.

"Oh, uh, I'm alright. I didn't have much work for today. So yeah..." Alfred emerges from the kitchen, fries in hand. "Alfred, I told you to tell me when others are here dude."

"Heh, sorry dude." He laughs, stuffing his face with fries. "We're going out for dinner tonight and wanted to ask you to come. Canada's joining us too, but he said something about meeting us there." I roll my head, feeling my neck pop loudly. I see France wince at the sound. I shrug, looking down.

"Yeah, sure, why not."

I look at myself in the mirror, making sure my clothes looked good.

"Ay, yo! [Y/N]! You ready?" I hear Alfred yell. I yell back a simple 'coming' and grab whatever I need, running out the house. I join Alfred in the front, sitting in the passenger seat as France and England sit in the back. They quietly bicker with one another as I talk with Alfred.

"You still remember some Swedish, or Finnish, right?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Uh yeah, I don't think I can ever forget. Why?"

"Canada wanted to check out this new Scandinavian restaurant, which is where we're heading. You better help us with the menu brosephine." I roll my eyes, fixing my hair.

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