Part 1 - What Happens Now

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After Graduation

As soon as Marie graduated she left without a word, I don't know where she is and as much as she was horrible to me I still hope she is safe and well. My step mother died of cancer a month before Marie left. My father is no where to be found he paid the mortgage and left a note saying that he wont be back and that they was enough money in the bank for me to use for college and he did. I haven't heard from him since.

My boys left with a letter saying that they were going and didn't know when they would be coming back and that they wanted me to be happy and move on. But the only problem is I didn't know how to do life without them they were my world, my friends, my family and my loves I loved them with all that I have and they just left me with a note and a broken heart. 

2 years later

It's been 2 years since I graduated and I have really found my feet and really happy at the moment I foster children and work at the library for 2 days a week. I live just outside of  Charleston with a beautiful front lawn and 2 trees on either side, and with 1 foster child that I am looking after. Mason is 3 and is a cutie with brown hair. His parents were killed in a car accident and I was asked if I could foster him while the social services looked for other family members. 

Today was like any other day. Or so I thought...

"Mason Shall we pack a picnic and have and it on the front lawn" 

Mason looked at me smiled and nodded. Since the accident and being with me he hasn't talked much. I think he will talk when he is ready.

I packed strawberry jelly sandwiches, apples, strawberries and grapes, and potato chips with cartons of juice.

I laid out the blanket and put the food out and as we started, "how do you like your room Mason" he shrugged and said "it okay tank you" I look at him and he still hasn't eaten much just nibbling on his sandwich. "How about after we have finished we can watch Toy Story and snuggle under a blanket" "Okay" he murmured " Mason look at me you are safe when you are with me in my house and I want you too be happy okay" As I say this to him he looks into my eyes and jumps into my arms and cries on my shoulder, "shh its going to be okay I promise I will always be here for you". And its like his little body relaxes and he just falls asleep. I know he hasn't slept well since being here, I rarely sleep thanks to my nightmares and that's how I know he hasn't slept well. 

I get up with him in my arms and take him to his room and put him in his room and take his shoes off and tuck him in for a nap. I go back downstairs to the front yard and clear the food and blanket away. I tidy up the kitchen wipe the kitchen counters and make myself a coffee grab my phone, I go sit on the rocking chair just outside the door, so I can still hear Mason is he wakes up and needs me. I see I have a text from Derrick..

Derrick: Hows Mason? When you going to say yes to going on a date with me? Its been 2 years of me asking :-( 

I groan at his message, he has asked every week for the last 2 years and every year I say no, I am not ready.

Me: Mason is good thank-you and Sorry no to the date. I don't want to date anyone you know this.

Derrick : I know had to try. Do you still want me to watch Mason for you Tuesday?

 Me : Only if that's okay. 

Derrick: yes that's fine.

 Derrick looks after Mason for a couple hours so I can work at the library. His been an amazing help for me.

I put my phone in my bra and I go to take a sip of my coffee.. Then I hear " oy I can't believe she still puts her phone in her fucking bra" I freeze and what I see before me makes me stand up and take a step back. I see 9 familiar eyes staring back at me. 

" Please leave I have nothing to say to you all you need to leave now!" I shout. Forgetting about Mason. 

"Sang baby please"

"Ángele mou please"

" OyTrouble"



" Peanut"

"Miss Sorenson"


" Miss Sorenson, Sang can we come in and talk" Mr Blackborne says with a worrying tone to his voice, pft that's a first.

"No, Please leave I cannot have you all come and break my heart again now please leave" tears start to gather in my eyes. I look up and I see that there eyes have gone wide then I feel little hands grab my hand, I look down and find Masons eyes wide and fearful. " Who are these men are they going to hurt you"

I come down to his level give him a cuddle and hold him close then pull back slightly " Hey look at me.. No one is going to hurt me or you, I meant what I said you are safe okay" he nodded, I smiled at him " Good boy now go inside, and I'll be in soon." he turned to the guys and said "please don't hurt her" I stood up and watched him walk back inside.

I turn back to the guys that have plagued my dreams/nightmares. " I'm going in to see my foster son and make sure he is okay now if you don't mind please leave" 

"Fine we will leave for now but we will talk Sang" 

I turn and start to walk back when 

" Pookie I'm really proud of you" I turn and see tears in Dr Sean's eyes and it sets me off and I start crying. 

"If you want to talk to me come back at 12 tomorrow and we can talk. But Mason will be here and Gabriel and North you cannot swear around him, and I can't guarantee that we can ever be friends or that I can trust you again. But for myself I need closure and for that I need to talk to you all. Now I really have to get back to Mason."

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