Part 3

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I am startled awake by a little screams and sobbing. I fly out of the rocking chair knowing its Mason.

"Mason hunnie" running up the stairs and I hear thuds following me and I know it's the guys.

I walk into his bedroom and he sitting up sobbing and my heartbreaks for him. I take him in my arms I look up to see concerned faces of my guys.... No Sang not our guys!! Mason has calmed down and I look down. 

"hey baby boy its ok, your safe Whats happened".... Mason sniffs "I dreamed about my mommy and daddy and crash" he started crying again "I miss my mommy" I know have tears in my eyes

"I know you do sweetie, I know, I'm so sorry that your mommy isn't here anymore" 

I get a surprise when Gabriel comes and sits in front of us and looks like he is going to cry he clears he throat "Mason my mom, and baby brother died in a car crash and I miss them all the time, I will always miss them and it's ok. You are so lucky you have Sang to look after you she's amazing" He looks from Mason to me and gives me a small smile I can't help myself and smile back.

Mason gives me a look and jumps at Gabriel and hugs him round his neck and says "I'm Sorry about your mom and botha".

I look at the guys and they look sad but they look better for resting though. 

I look at Mason "would you like to play in the garden? Or watch a movie.?"

"Pwease can I watch Finding Dory, can Gabriel watch wiv me" I look at him "Well sweetie Gabriel might not want to the guys might need to go" 

Gabriel jumped in with "I'd love to watch it I haven't seen it yet" 

Mason beams at him then looks at me "can we pwease" 

How can I say no to that.... Its the first time Iv'e seen him so relaxed with someone other then me "Ok you can watch Finding Dory and I will sort dinner out...," I look at the guys "would you like to stay for dinner or do you have other plans. We still need to talk about why you are here and Gabriel thank-you for what you just did with Mason".

Its Kota that answers me " Only if you don't mind" I nod 

I look to Mason "come on then little man lets go put it on" he jumps to me and I carry him down. 

I carry him into the lounge and switch the Tv on and put the dvd on and settle him on the sofa with a blanket. Kissing his forehead "I'll be in the kitchen ok" he nodded and sat close to Gabriel. 

I walk into the kitchen and the rest of the guys follow me, I put on the kettle and get a tea cup down and get camomile tea  out do you guys want tea, coffee or water or juice.

Nathen, Kota, and North want water.

Mr Blackborne, Doctor Green, Victor want coffee.

Luke, Silas,  Gabriel and Mason want juice.

I get busy getting drinks together. 

Mr Blackborne clears his throat, "Miss Sorensen we want you back, We Love you so much and just seeing you in your home with Mason it makes me love you more, we are not with the Academy anymore and we are starting our own careers but most of all we want you" 

I look at him with tears in my eyes "is that how it is for all of you" I look around.

"Sang baby I want spend the rest of my life with you I love you"

"10 I love you Being without you has been the worst"

"Pookie I love you and I want to go look at babies with you" 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2018 ⏰

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