Chapter 2

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The next day

12pm the next day comes around far to quickly. I dress Mason in Jeans and a Blue t-shirt top saying This Kid is cool and white converse. I've put on my high waist blue maxi skirt and a white tank tucked in and blue flip flops, I add my bangles. My hair has been thrown up in a bun. I put on some simple make up, I tell myself its not for the 9 men that are stopping by soon.

I turn to Mason and ask him what he wants for lunch. He just shrugs and say's "strawberry jello sandwiches and a banana" I smile at him "and that's what you shall have little man" he is such a cute little boy with his dark hair and blue eyes. "thank-you Sang" I smile and give him a hug and kiss his forehead.

I go about making his lunch and sit him at the little dining table I have in my kitchen. As I am about to ask what he wants to drink I hear a knock at the door and my heart starts racing.. I look at Mason and say "the men from yesterday have come back to say hello. They will not hurt you or me, ok?" Mason looks at me and nods "ok".

I go to answer the door and there stands the 9 boys that left me and never contacted me since. Here they stand looking at me some with there mouths open looking at me up and down, some are looking dishevelled and like they haven't slept, What really surprises me is Mr Blackbourne is not looking his perfect self, he was dressed in dark blue jeans and grey Ted Baker polo top and grey converse with his normal black rimmed glasses. I've never seen him so casual and it really suited him.

"North, Gabriel before you come in do you remmeber what I said yesterday?"

North and Gabriel nodded and both said "no swearing" 

"Good come in I was just giving Mason his lunch" 

As I walked back in the kitchen hearing heavy footsteps behind me. 

I speak to Mason " Little man do you want some apple juice with your lunch?" 

Mason hasn't replied so I turned around to see if he was ok and he is staring at the guys with an open mouth and his sandwich in his hand. I think he is a little frightened as he so much littler then they are. The guys are just staring at him and me rolling my eyes at them and going to Mason.

 I come to his level "Mason hunnie look at me" he turns is head and wraps his arms around my neck and I can feel him shaking. "Hey hey what did I say they will not hurt you or me they were my friends when I went to school. Eat your lunch then I'll put you down for a nap ok?" He nods into my neck and says "ok" "do you want some apple juice bud?" He reply's a bit calmer "Yes pwease" I let go of him and stand up and get his plastic cup and fill it with apple juce and put it down.

So I introduce the guys to Mason. " Mason these were my friends. Kota, Victor, Silas, Gabriel, Nathan, Luke, North, Doctor Green and Mr Blackborne" Each of the guys put there hand up or wave at Mason. 

Luke and Gabriel come and sit in front of him Luke asks "Do you like chocolate chip pancakes?Me and Sang used to eat them all the time." 

Mason nods and says "Me and Sang have them on Saturdays" Luke looks at me and smiles and I have to look away he is still so handsome the only thing thats changed is his hair is shorter it looks good. He looks tired though like he hasn't slept.

Gabriel asks Mason "Oy I like your top who got it for you " Mason reply's with" Sang brought it for me when I first came here" Gabriel says "Sang dressed you good" with a thumbs up Mason gives a little smile.

I ask Mason"Hey buddy have you finished" he says " yes tank you" "Ok then hunnie go and wash your hands, go to the bathroom then you can have a nap" Mason gets down from the table he looks tiny next to the guys he walks past them and goes to the bathroom. 

Now that Mason isn't here "Why are you here? and what do yo want?" 

Kota talks in a low voice "We are back from our mission and we wanted to see you and see how you were? We went back to your old house and saw that another family lives there and my mum said you moved about a year ago." 

I lean forward "but I haven't seen you or heard from you in 2 years you told me to move on.. So I did. As you can see I have my own life. You all left, my step mother died, Marie left, my dad left leaving me the house and giving me a bank details with a lot of money in it saying it was from his parents when they died and then he left without word. The only person I talk to from home is Derrick and we are really close friends. Volto just stopped whatever he thought he was doing. Then I become a foster mom and I work at the library, so you can see that I'm doing ok so you can leave if you think you can walk in and out of my life. I haven't been able recover from the last time you broke my heart" 

 I can see the regret and sadness in there eyes. But it is Owen who knocks the wind out of me.

 "There are reasons that we left and it was for your safety, I can't go into details but no that we didn't want to leave you we love you. We have left the academy and we want a life with you, we missed you Mrs Sorenson" Still sounding formal. I look down at the table with tears in my eyes. 

I hear Mason walk in I look up, he climbs in my lap lays his head on my chest I kiss is head and ask "you ready for a nap" "yes" while yawning I smile and stand up from my chair in the kitchen "Ok I'll put you to bed, I'm putting him to bed you can help yourself to anything we need to carry on this conversation" I hear them mumble there agreement.

I'm carrying Mason up the stairs to his bedroom and I can feel North behind me, watching me.

I walk into Masons room I place him in is bed and close his curtains and put on the night light then I come and kiss him on the cheek "Have a good nap hunnie I'll be just downstairs speaking with the guys" I go to walk and close the door when I hear Mason and pop my head round the door "hmm" " Are the guys staying for dinner" I say " I don't know hunnie we will see ok?" Mason nods and snuggles down into his bed. 

I turn around to go down stairs and I bump into North I go to move but he pulls me into a hug "Baby I missed you everyday. I love you Sang." I look up at him and stare into his eyes he leans down and kisses me, I'll admit I respond I missed them too and it turns passionate and heated quickly. I push back needing space North whisperers "is this fixable baby" I look down take a deep breath and whisper back "I don't know, to be honest I don't think I'm strong enough to go through it again."

After that I walk downstairs and I see the guys spread out in my front room Luke, Gabial and Nathan are asleep on my sofa and on my armchair. The others look ready to fall right asleep with them. " I don't know what's happened or going on but you all look dead on your feet. Why don't you go sleep I have a guest room upstairs next to Masons. Then we can talk later." 

"Thanks baby we have had a tough couple years, and would love to rest only if your sure" 

I take one last look at them and nod "I'm sure" I don't what they have gone through but I know that I still love them and care for them and they need caring for. I just hope they are ok with just being friends. Also I really hope I don't regret it.

"I'll be around, Help yourselves to anything you need, Anyone want a bottle of water"

Apart from Luke, Gabriel and Nathan they all want one. I give them one each and they all look like they are going to sleep. So I go and sit on my rocking chair out the front and think about what I'm going to do. I'm so tired I start to drift and for once in a long time I fall into a peaceful sleep.

(added note sorry I haven't updated in a long time, work and children and your fellow fanfics or stories have occupied my time. 

Also I'm not American so I may have made mistakes and also this isn't edited, but I will be going through and editing when I get the chance to do so.) 

So Enjoy I will try to update when I can! Comment if you wish and I will always reply when I can! 

Thanks for reading :-) xxx

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