Lunch With The Crush

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Chapter 5

(Picture of bernice)

Narrator's pov

Later that day tahj was in the bathroom.

"Ok tahj u got lunch today with Bernice, ok slick and smooth no bumps no edges ", Tahj spoke to his self suddenly one of the students walked in

"Are u on drugs?"

Tahj looked at him and shaked his head and walked out the bathroom.

Tahjs pov

I wonder where shane and antonio at.but ima just go with the flow. I checked the school's cafeteria and she wasn't there i sat down nervously waiting for her suddenly she walked in smiling.

"Hi tahj"

"Hey bernice"

"Can we go some where less secluded? "


She grabbed my hand and ran with me to the school pond there was a basket there with some books.

"Come on sit here ", i sat quietly looking in her eyes.

"Soooo...",we both said in unison

"U mind if i called u T?"

"No i don't mind at all ill call u B then"

"Yeeeea we have nicknames now awesome..... oh this is my alone place but i guess there's space for u ",she said smiling she was just so cute.

"Lol ok"

"Oh umh....i also made some blue berry cookies for us in cooking class i hope u like them"

"Oh thanks b u shouldn't have", of course she should have i was starving i removed the cloth from over the basket.they smelled so good i took one and bit it.i couldn't believe my taste buds.

"These taste really good"

"Thanks i spend alot of time on them im glad u like them", her face lit up like a Christmas tree.i could feel us connecting then i saw her got sad and she lowered her head.

"Umh.....thanks for talking to me like no one never really talked to me before like u did"

"'s ok ur actually a nice girl and pretty cool", she looked at me and started blushing.

"umh....u mind if i saw ur glasses for a sec.....?"

"Umh....sure", she took them off and gave them to me she didnt know the whole reason for me asking her for her glasses was to see how beautiful she eyes opened wide she even more beautiful without the glasses.

"I got those last Christmas i like them"

I paused and looked at her for a minute...

"U know ur a really beautiful girl?", she looked at me and giggled

"Umh.....i don't know what to say but umh......thanks", i slowly fitted her glasses back onto her face.

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