All Ends Well

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Chapter 11

Antonio's pov

I slowly opened my eyes and i could smell the scent of a hospital. I could see lights in the sealing it was bright i could hardle keep my eyes open and my head hurted. Ouch what happened all i remember was i was driving and then something hit me ah let me calm. I shifted in the hospital bed then a great serge of pain crossed from my neck to my spine it hurt as hell. A cast was around my neck so i sat back and closed my eyes. Suddenly i heard voices the first voice sounded like shantel and the second was shane. I slightly opened my left eye and saw tahj,bernice,shane and shantel in my room. I closed my eye and smiled. I felt a warm hand hold on to mine and then i heard a soft voice so soothing to my ears

"Antonio its shantel "

That's one voice i thought id never ear again should i open my eyes or enjoy hearing what she was saying. I heard foot steps soundes like people left the room but the warm feeling of Shantels hand was still there

"Your really a nice guy and i guess i have feelings for you the first i saw you you stood up for me you have my back and you always treat me like a lady .please dont leave me your all i have left you make me feels so special like out of this world and i-i love you", i could hear her voice fade and she started to cry. Ok fun was over but my body felt so weak i slowly moved my finger's and tightened my grip on her hand. It took me a while to come out with the words but i couldn't speak loudly. But the right words came out eventually

"Im glad you feel the same way too Shantel promise me to never let me go", i opened my eyes and grinned at her she smiled while tears run down her face. She gently hugged me and i was surprised i didn't feel any pain. She looked me in the eyes and smiled so sweetly with her cherry lips.

"And promise me you will never let me go either"

"I promise i wont", her smile widen and i couldn't believe she kissed me i closed my eyes and kissed her back i never wanted that moment to end. After what happened this felt like the only thing that makes me feel so alive she slowly pulled away breaking the kiss as tahj and Shane along with bernice came in.

"Thank god your ok brah hope you get out soon but you are in a pretty bad shape ", tahj looked at me and smiled with relief.

"Yea i know "

"Oh i almost forgot we beat the Catholic knights bruh"

"Fo real?"


"Glad your guys won you guys rule the court until i get back into shape till then im just bedridden", they laughed to hear me finally speek again. I looked at the clock and noticed to was 8:09 pm. Tahj and shane told me that stephon was the one who messed me up. I was too weak to get angry so i just let it flow out of my mind and accept the fact that my boys beat him to a pulp. A few minutes later my mom and tahjs mom came to visit me and we all laughed and talked for a while. Too bad they had to leave my mom and tahjs mom gave me a kiss on the forehead and left out the room telling me bye. Shane gave me a small pinch on my nose and i looked at him with the really niggah face. He laughed and walked out leaving Bernice shantel and tahj. Tahj looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

"Maine don't be like that go take care of business bruh you got a girl and remember you got the coury to rule"

"But every one knows your the true king bruh im just picking up what you left "

"Pfffft nah don't worry ill be out before you know it", he took bernice's hand and saluted me walking out with her

"And tahj"

"Yea bruh"

"Remember now swish"

"*laugh* swish bruh swish ", he walked out leaving shantel alone with me

"Is it ok if i stayed with you?"

"No baby girl but you need your rest"

"I can still sleep i just dont want to leave you", she pulled a chair beside my bed and rested her head on my arm steering at me and giving me a puppy face. She was honestly a cutie but i dont mind her company

"Yea it's ok you can stay ", she got up and kissed me again making my cheeks heat up. I guess i do have a chance with her and im glad i got that chance.

Shantels pov

I finally decided to tell antonio how i feel about him. Guess you could say i got emotional too. It was kinda hard seeing him like that but im going to stay by his side no matter what. I dont know but when i looked into his beautiful eyes its like they told me to kiss him and i did and im happy. I guess i really love him just like how he loves me. Later that night i fell asleep in his arm its great to know he's ok smile.

Narrators pov

One year later antonio was out of the hospital and began to do his training. He was up and running within two months. A few months later antonio shane and tahj got a scholarship for basketball and had to split up. Tahj and berniced moved to California where he continued his training and got a number on the the spurs team. Shane on the other hand played for the Cleveland claviliars.

Antonio's pov

Ricardo took my mom to boston and sent enough money for me to start building my own foundation with shantel. With in three months we moved to Miami and bought a house where we began to make life. I continued training and got to play for the team my dad onced played for Miami heats. Shantel and i got famous as a basketball couple and in two years time we got married and had two girls. Brianna and emma they were my princesses i took my family where ever i went and we promised no matter what we would always be together. Me and my boy's still talked we had reunions and tahj proposed to Bernice shane still a man hunting a nice but he'll soon find her. We all lived a happy life except for stephon he was sent to jail for 15 years. Lets just say him and his ass ended up in the wrong place glad im not you. I finally got what i wanted thanks to god.

---end of story---

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