Clint x Reader

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*i want to delete my long shots book so i am moving the 3 parts to this book, enjoy* 

Warnings: None


You'd been feeling sick for days but didn't have the heart to confirm your worries.

'This can't be really happening.' You muttered as your head hung sadly over the toilet bowl.

You got rid of your leftover sickness before realizing it was time for you to take the step towards your fears. You'd been dating the famous archer, Clint Barton, for over two years now and it still scared you to think what he might say if you were pregnant. You pulled on one of his sweat shirts and a pair of leggings before wobbling to the car and putting the keys in the ignition. Clint was on a mission so he had no idea what you were going through with the morning sickness and cravings.

You drove down the New York street until you reached your local pharmacy. Hopping out of the car, you slugged into the shop and pulled your hood on so no one would see you do the pregnancy test walk of shame. You walked to the counter, throwing the test down in front of the clerk before paying and leaving once again.

'How do I do this?' You said taking the white stick from the box and reading the instructions attached on the back.

'Here goes nothing.' You muttered as you closely followed each step.

You grabbed your phone, setting a timer, before lying on your still unmade bed. You snuggled into the rumpled white sheets and took in the scent of Clint that was embedded in his fluffy pillow. You weren't sure what made you so nervous about this topic. Maybe it was the fears of raising the child alone if anything happened to Clint. Perhaps it was going through pregnant woman pains without having your beloved boyfriend to help you because Fury needed him more than you. You got lost in your thoughts until the timer went off; the test was ready. You took a deep breath and grabbed the test seeing the two red lines before dropping the test and feeling tears fall from your already puffy eyes.

'Oh god-' You said in a shaking voice as you held your head in your hands.

Your mind traveled towards what millstones Clint could miss because he was on a mission. What if he was sent to Russia while you gave birth? Missed your child's first steps because Loki tried to take over the city, again? What if the baby Barton spoke his or her first words while his training? The thought that hurt the most was thinking about him missing all of these moments that you got to spend with the creation of your love.

'Relax.' You demanded of yourself as you lent over the sink and stared at your puffy eyed and messy haired self.

You looked at the stick once again before setting it aside and getting dressed for the day, you still had a job after all. As if the test turned something on inside of you, you felt like you had an extra skip in your step. You and Clint had talked about kids but this came as a shock that you were now slightly excited for. You served coffee to your regulars at the drab Starbucks before hearing your phone go off.

'Hello?' You answered to the unknown number.

'Is this (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?' The person on the other line said in a bored tone.

You nodded even if they couldn't see you.

'Mhm.' You finally mustered out through your nerves.

You knew that voice but you didn't want to admit that it was him, Phil Coulson.

'Hi (Y/N), this is Agent Coulson from SHIELD. We just wanted to let you know that Agent Barton was seriously injured last night and is back at the New York base in stable condition.'

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