Its immortality my darlings

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I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be.

I'm staring at my best friend, my other half, my first love, who's come back from the dead.

After being gone for 2 years I thought I'd never see her again, but here she is, standing directly in front of me.

There's sirens and screaming going on all around us, but it's like nothing else in the world matters, times stopped. We both haven't said anything, this is too surreal.
I open my mouth to say something, but thankfully she cuts me off, I don't know what would have come out.

"Emily!" She says in an almost crying way, I can tell this is surreal for her as well.

With out even saying anything, I find myself embracing her, leaving no space between us.

"Alison" I finally say, "Never leave me again".

"I won't, as long as you promise to never let go", Ali says in a way that leads me to believe we could spend eternity in this spot.

I'm not sure if I still love her in the entirety that I did before she disappeared, but no amount of time could take away how much I cared for her. Sure she never loved me back, or at least admitted it, but in this moment I realize that she definitely had some sort of feelings beyond friendship that had this new level of desire, but not quite love.

After what feels like hours, but was most likely seconds, my other three best friends Aria, Hanna and Spencer push me out of the way to see what used to be the leader of our group. Before Ali disappeared the five of us were inseparable, sisters even, would spend every waking moment together. But in the time she was gone, the four of us slowly grew apart, but found our way back together, and in perfect time, to welcome her home.

Sure we were all really close, but Ali and I always had a much stronger connection. As she put it, I was her favourite.

After we all hug and realize that this moment is real, we step back to let her mom, dad and brother greet her.

I feel guilty for feeling jealous that they get more time with her, but I understand it's her family.

I can't believe police and news reporters are already bombarding her with questions, she walked down the street 15 minutes ago.

Her family escorts her away from it all and goes to their car, I'm assuming that they are taking her home.

I turn to my friends, "Can you believe it", I say.

Hanna looks at me with her face looking like it hasn't moved since she first saw Ali, "It's totally crazy right, one day we're burying her, the next we're seeing her walk down the yellow brick road back from Oz."

"Kansas is portrayed in black and white in the film, so technically she would have got back using her slippers, since there wouldn't be a yellow road." Spencer stops realizing she did what she does best, correcting Hanna's never ending mistakes, continued, "But yes, it is mind boggling. I wonder where she's been all this time."

We all look at Aria realizing she's been the only one to stay silent this whole time.

"Guys am I the only one to realize how beat up she looked, not even just the cuts and bruises all over, but she was covered in blood" she finally says.

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