Pip gets Estella

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

Was that a dream, or did I actually hear Ali say that she.. did she really say.. man how hard did I get attacked.

I'm looking all around me, but can't see anything, everything is so blurry.

It takes a few minutes but things start to clear up. I see my parents to the left of me, my mom is nuzzled up in the crevasse of my dads neck, with lines all down her face, tracing tears with her mascara. I can't believe my dad is here, I thought he was suppose to be in Afghanistan right now.

A little to the side of them, I see Aria, Hanna and Spencer all looking at their lap, with stone cold faces, like they had seen a ghost.

Finally I see who is on my right, someone who is fast asleep, with big bags under her eyes, but still manages to make it look beautiful. Ali. She's sitting, with her head resting on my bed, and her hand in mine.

I was so mesmerized by all the people I care about in one room, then my pain caught up with me. I shoot up in my bed gasping for air, screaming in agony.

I feel it now, the gashes in my back, and on my stomach.

Well that sure got the attention of everyone.

Next thing I know I'm surrounded by everyone, all wide awake, asking if I'm okay.

"Emily, you scared us half to death, what were you doing in a forest?" My mom says first, with pain in her voice.

My dad quickly chimes in; "We're glad you are okay, I missed you Emmy."

Before anyone else could say a word, the doctors come in pumping me full of morphine.

I can't make out what the doctors say next, something about how they need to go, or I need sleep, or something. Then I fall asleep.

I dream about the time that we were playing soccer in my elementary school gym class. Ali was on my team, she's never been the sporty type, but she always tried.

I remember the first day she talked to me; "Hey, you're Emily right? You're a really good defence."

It wasn't much, but it was the beginning of a great friendship, so we thought.

Once when we had a school tournament, when it was halftime, I remember I was sweating, so I poured some water on my head. The coach was talking to the group, and we were suppose to be listening, but Ali turned to me, and wiped the water out of my eyes. It was so small that no one else around noticed, but those few moments of intense eye contact, made the world stop turning.

From that moment, I knew how I felt about her. I wanted to be the worth the effort.

I start to think more about our past together, and all the memories that make me smile, then I drift asleep.

Okayyyy so I'm back finally... I know this was short, but I felt like I had to pound something out since PLL is ending tomorrow! I am so sad, I don't want it to end!!

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