The revealing

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Marinette couldn't have been happier. It was her fifteenth birthday. And Alya was distracting her while her parents set up downstairs. Marinette was chatting away and Alya texting a few of the guests. Marinette didn't question any of this considering she knew Alya and her parents were going all out for her this year.

She did however ask, "So.. how many people did you invite?"

Alya smiled, "Everyone from class, except for Chloe and Sabrina."

"Oh, that was a go..." Marinette paused. Did Alya just say everyone except Chloe and Sabrina? Did that include Adrien too? Her eyes went wide and Alya sent her a knowing smile.

"I take care of my friend's," Alya told her.

Marinette was stuck with her mouth open. "Y-y-you invite...HIM!"

Alya grinned at her best friend. "And he RSVP'd too, said he'd be a little late, but he'd come by."

Marinette jumped to het feet and began to pace around the room in panic. She couldn't believe that Alya had done this. She didn't She didn't know if she wanted to stange her best friend more. "He said he was looking really forward and getting to know you better."

Hug her friend it was. She latched onto Alya and hugged her while jumping up and down in victory. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Alya just laughed at her friend's antics and let herself down from Marinette's grasp. "You're amazing!"

"Now, now," Alya tried to calm her best friend down. "It's not that big of a deal."

"It is to me," she twirled and spun around in celebration. "I'm so happy!"

"I couldn't tell," Alya teased.

"Marinette. Your guests have begun to arrive," Her mother called from downstairs and Marinette grinned like an idiot.

"Let's go before you faint, before we even arrive at the party," Alya sighed talking her friend by the shoulder. Marinette followed her and the two made downstairs. She was glad that she had such a great friend to help her through all the bad in her life. Today couldn't be one of those days though. But she didn't know what will happen.

She was greeted by Alix first, and then Nathanael. There where other students there as well. She greeted the all. Her father had set up a table of treats and some music was playing over the radio her parents used to listen to things while baking. She looked around excitedly for Adrien but he wasen't to be seen. She frowned, but forced a smile on her face when she turned to her mother. They told her that there was a surprise waiting for her outside the bakery.

She was brought out, where more tables and treats were set up. Therewas a present for in the center of the table. She became excited. It was the perfect sized for what she hsd wanted so badly for her birthday. She walked up to the box and examined it carefully, before she began to take off the wrapping paper. She ripped the paper off and revealed a brand new serger.

"Marinette!" Alya gasped. "Is that the sewing machine you told me about?"

Marinette nodded, and turned back to face her guests and parents. "It's perfect. Exactly what I wanted. I can do much more stuff for designing now. Thank you so much!"

Her parents beamed with pride. "Why don't you open more?" Her father suggested. "We have a few more minutes to wait for the dinner to be delivered."

Marinette just did that. She opened Nathanael's gift next, and received a beautiful and framed drawn portait of her self. It was so life like. She had known that he was talented, but never this much. "Thank you Nathanael, I love it."

He visibly blushed, and she turned to open another. Though as she reached for another gift, there was screams from a nearby street. Everyone turned and moved back through the front to se what happend. Marinette gasped as she saw just before her eyes them turn from thier young and youthful selves, to older, elderly aged. She looked up and saw an elderly woman floting in the midair. She was dressed all in black and the dress was ripped and torn in all directions. Her hair was flowing in all directions, and she looked so incredibly angry. She looked haunting, almost like a spirit rather then an akuma possession.

"You worthless, self-centred brats!" She screamed at Marinette and her classmates. "Can't be bothered to visit your oh so often forgotten elderly relatives! See how it feels to become old!"

Marinette saw her pick up what looked like a cane, thought with a sharp point at the end. She swung the cane and a black light shot out of it. Nathanael rushed out in the front of her, and pushed her out of the way, taking the brunt of the blow. And like the others, she watched as the youth was sucked right out of him. And he collapsed to the ground. Her classmates cried out.

"See how it feels!" The akuma possession cried out. Marinette knew she had to get away for her family and friend's so she could transform. She felt Tikki moving in her jacket pocket, telling her to act now. Marinette couldn't possibly get away. Alya and her mother where bothholiding on to her protectively. And Nathanael has already protect her.

The situation only worsened when her father Tom stepped forward. 

"Please, stop this," He begged. "We are so sorry that your family has forgotten about you. We are not like that though, please, calm down. Join us. We will spent time with you."

Most people seemed to know that the villans who attacked were people suffering some sort of trauma or a moment of pure rage. She knew her father was trying to do what he could to calm the possessed woman. Marinette tried to warn him. She knew better then anyone that they couldn't be reasoned with. 

"Dad! Don.."It was to late. The women charged at her father, holding her cane, and ready to stab at her father. Marinette screamed as time seemed to slow down, the sharp point of the cane coming towards her father. Her father covering himself up protectively.

Then the words escaped her mouth. "Tikki, spots on!"

The light transformed her, and when the light was gone, her friends and family stood around in shock. She didn't give them a chance to react as she already was on the akuma, kicking her away from her father. The akuma hissed at her, and turned her attacks onto ladybug. She was easily abel to dodge the attacks. She grabbed her yo-yo and used it to try and trap the akuma. She wasabel to dodge it as well.

She could hear her family's and friend's voices, calling out to her, some in shock, and some just screaming. She didn't care. She couldn't. She needed to stop this akuma. She needed Chat Noir. Where the heck was he?!

The akuma threw her into the ground and she was nearly hit with the youth zapper. She yelped and jumped to her feet and did what she could to protect herself. She climbed to her feet and used her yo-yo to swing up to a roof-top. The akuma came at her, but Marinette saw this as an opening, and grabbed the cane from the akuma. When she safely landed on the roof, she snapped the cane in half, releasing the akuma.

She took out her yo-yo and started to spin it around. "You're not getting away from me little akuma." She released the yo-yo and captured the akuma. The yo-yo came back to her, and she realized the akuma. "Bye, bye little butterfly."

The possessed women returned back to normal, landing on the street nerby. Her classmates also returned back to their proper age. She stood on the roof. She had been so set on saving her father thet the full extent of her actions were seting in now. She stood on thet roof looking down at her classmates below. Everyone stared up at her in shock. Her heart raced in her chest. She had revealed her self to her entire family and friends, It was to save her father, but still her actions began to make her panic.

It only worsened when she heard the helicopter above. News crew's always got involved in the akuma battles, playinng battles live on TV. This was the first time that they had gotten so much of the battles though. How much had they gotten though?

Then she heard her yo-yo beep, and she realized she was getting a call from Chat Noir. She brought the yo-yo up to her ear so she could hear. 

"What have you done?" Filled her ears. She knew her fate was sealed. The crews had gotten it all on tape. And everyone knew she was ladybug now. Everyone including Chat Noir.

She closed the yo-yo, her eyes wide. The entire weight hit her like a brick. 'Everyone...everyone knows that pathetic... pathetic little Marinette Dupain-Cheng is Ladybug...'

Marinette didn't know what she could say or do. She couldn't face everyone. And she wouldn't.

Marinette did all she could do.

She ran.

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