Friends trust

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"Uhh.. Where am I?" Marinette mumbled. She rose up and could quickly note that her arms were very weak.

It was very dark, but she could see some contours of a window hiding behind some curtains. She pulled away the curtains from the window just to see a darkened street in Paris. Not one little light as long as she could see.

"What has happened here?"

A door opened and Marinette quickly turned around.

"M-Marinette?!" Said a voice that Marinette quickly could recognize.

"A-Alya?!" She said as Alya ran towards her and leaned in to a hug.

"Y-You're finally awake!!" Alya said as she let Marinette go.

Marinette grabbed Alya's shoulders.

"Alya.. What happened?" She asked with a curious voice.

"Well.. how much do you remember?"

"Well... I know.. That.. That I transformed in front of everyone. And.. I-I was a coward that run away from everyone..." She cried.

"Oh.. Marinette." Alya said in a try to be comforting. "D-Do you want to know what happened next?"

"Chat Noir find you unconscious under a bridge. And when he tried.. To get you to a safe place... The media get him in sight and he took his chance and took out a whole power grid and since then have the whole of Paris been out of electricity. And Chat decided to leave you here for some reason that I can't remember right now.. And all this happened for just some hours ago so you haven't been out for so long."

In Marinette's mind was one question still unanswered.

"Have.. Have you seen my kwami Tikki? She's a little red flying creature with black spots." Marinette asked with a very curious voice.

"Uh.. Yeah she was very tired when chat came over with you so she's sleeping downstairs."

"Okay.. One last question-"She get interrupted by Alya.

"What do you mean one last question?"

"Alya.. I'm going to see if I could meet Chat." She said quickly.

"Fine.. What's your question?"

"Are you angry?" Marinette questioned.

"Angry for what?.. That you didn't tell me your little secret. No, I was at first but.. I have read enough of superhero comics to understand why you keep this secret from me..." "And.. Before you go I think I have to tell you to stay away from the media." She said in a responsible way.

"Don't worry.. I should try to stay in the shadows."


Marinette walked downstairs. It was a little bit lighter here compared with upstairs.


A little red creature came flying against Marinette. Tikki flew right into Marinette's chest.

"M-Marinette I-I was so worried!" She cried.

"Tikki.. Do you have enough of energy for me to transform?"

"Of course."

"Then I say 'Tikki spots on!'"


This was actually the first time Marinette have in mission to avoid the media witch including the security cameras.

When she finally find a place where there was no cameras she tried to call Chat.

What what surprising was that he answered very fast.

"Hello M'lady."

I'm sorry for then boring and short chapter but it was hard for me to come up with what should happen in this chapter, and it couldn't be this very exciting chapters all  fthe time.

I could promise a less boring chapter next time.

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