Power and anger

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Sorry for the late update but I was sick yesterday and I didn't have the energy to write that much that I want a chapter to be. And I know that this is some kind of short but I don't have the energy to write 1000+ every day.

"Chat.." She said and took a deep breath and continued.

"We need to talk.."


Adrien's POV.

'Marinette, I promise you, I'll get you through this. I will make you smile again. Just wait and see. You'll be thet strong, confident Ladybug again.'

I get into the car, and was getting my usual drive to school. I turn on the the TV in the car, and saw the footage of him as Chat Noir taking out the power grid from the night before.

The reporter was zooming in on Chat Noir, and pointing out the unconscious Marinette. She had a panel of 'experts' who theorized about what was wrong with the young girl. Some mention that Chat Noir was kidnapping her, while others argued that Chat Noir has been on film talking about his strong relationship with Ladybug, and how he was likely rescuing her, perhaps from an undocumented akuma attack.

'How stupid could this 'experts' be?' Then I see another news anchor talk about her family's bakery. Mention that they hadn't open up the shop again yet. Even more flowers and gifts were outside the shop today, and even more people were crowded out side.

I turned the TV off and I feel immediately in a bad mood.

'His Ladybug was no sideshow. She was a young girl. A student he went to school with since middle school. A normal girl with a normal life, who just happened to go out and save Paris once in a while. Didn't her good deeds justify some privacy? Marinette didn't deserve this. She had given up so much for Paris. This wasn't fair.'

My driver coming to a stop, and I exciting the car. I glancing over the street and see the bakery. The people around it was insane. Cheering and calling to Matinette to come out.

'Why didn't they know that she wasn't home? Her parents were pleading for her to contact them. Chances were she wouldn't go home, even if she the chance.'

I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I turn around to look. It was Nino.

" Nino!" I say in suprise.

"Hey man, what's up?"

I take a look at the bakery again, and then back to Nino.

"Yeah, pretty crazy isn't it? I was on my way when it happened. Did you make it? I know Alya invited you:" Nino say.

'I wish I just could say something to let everyone know that Marinette was safe.'

Inside everyone was talking about the buzz from the weekend. Even Chloe was talking about it, thought she was talking to Sabrina about it on a much darker level.

I decided to ignore her, but I did my best to talk to Alya and Nino about anything else then Marinette. I had already read enough gossip about it.

That came to a halt when Chloe spotted me, and jumped on me.

"Adrieeeeeennnnn!" she say in a sing song voice.

"What do you think? Don't you think it's rather pathetic little Marinette was Ladybug? What a joke!"

I feel the corner of my eye twitch. I don't like anyone referring to my Ladybug as pathetic.

"It's not a joke," I say, pull Chloe off me.

"And Marinette isn't pathetic."

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