[26] Darkness

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Why is it so dark? Why is it so hard to breathe? I can't see anything. H-hello? Is someone there?! The (H/C) girl shook wild, the gag over her mouth making it impossible to talk. She was tied up in a chair, in a small room. From what she could see, there was a little blood on the floor. Is that mine?! Her thoughts were interrupted, when a stranger with black clothes entered the room, taking off the gag violently. (Y/N) gasped for air, but all that came out was a cough, along with some blood. "Good to see you're awake... (Y/N)~". "H-how d..o you k-know... M-my name...?". Her voice raspy, broken. The stranger laughed, taking off the hood that covered their face. Angelica... She approached the tied up girl, gripping a knife in her right hand. She pressed it slightly against (Y/N)'s neck, a small drop of blood running down. The girl hissed in pain. "You're just a loser (Y/N)...", she pressed the knife deeper, more blood gushing out. "You shouldn't be alive...". Her head went light, her eyes heavy. "You ruined my life...". She leaned closer. "And I hate you~". And with that she dragged the knife out, looking at the fresh, bleeding wound. (Y/N) let out a shaky breath, blood dripping from the sides of her mouth. She coughed up blood, and looked at the green haired girl, begging for help. Angelica smiled and walked off. What have I done to her... I didn't ruin her life... But why she hates me...? The girl walked back after a while with bandages and alcohol swabs. She cleaned the wound and carefully wrapped it up. (Y/N) looked at her confused. She could see in her dark eyes pure insanity, madness and hate... Angelica stood up. "We'll continue tomorrow loser~".

The next day, Angelica walked in smirking. She kneeled in front of (Y/N). The girl's eyes had black circles from the lack of sleep, her body ached from staying still for so long. "Are you a loser?~", she shook her head. The green haired girl growled pulling out her knife. "Now I might ask again~ Are you a loser?~". (Y/N) looked at the insane girl fearfully and nodded. She smirked. "Keep telling yourself that~". (Y/N) kept quiet. Angelica shot up and held the knife close to her throat. "Tell yourself that you're a loser~ And I want to hear it~". "I-I'm a... l-l-loser...", the girl stuttered. With insanity having taken over her mind, she chuckled. "Repeat~". And this kept going for the entire day...

One week, two weeks, three weeks... One month. Angelica stood in the corner, admiring her creation. A mind-broken girl, full of depression. With cuts and bruises all over her body. She put her knife under the girl's chin, making (Y/N) face her. "I will let you go~ You won't speak to anyone for this, understood?~". The (H/C) girl nodded, her head leaning either to the front or back cause of the tiredness. Angelica untied her, holding the knife pressed against the girl's back. She pushed her out of the room, walking out behind her. "Go kill yourself slut~". (Y/N) nodded, not being able to think clearly. She made her way to the forest, tripping. The tiredness taking over , her legs getting weak. Her (H/C) hair laying limp on her shoulders. She heard a noise, and quickly hid behind a tree. Seven familiar faces passed in front of her. First, two guys. Both of them with dyed hair red, and green. After them a girl with purple her, a blonde guy walking besides her. Behind them, two guys who were arguing about something and finally a guy with dark blue hair. Names flashed like a memory in front of her eyes, but she still couldn't remember. Mario... Jerome... Tatiana... Frank... David... Peter... And Damien... She shook her head, still trying to remember their names, when a voice took her out of her thoughts. "(Y/N)!!". The one who yelled, was the girl. Who is (Y/N)...? She crouched more down, grabbing a rock. She threw the rock the opposite way she was. "Guys! I heard a noise!!", said the blonde male, running to the direction she had thrown the rock. She stood up and ran deeper in the forest. She was lost, confused. Who were these people? Who is that (Y/N) they're looking for... She finally found herself standing on the edge of a ten meter tall cliff. She looked down, the mist making it almost impossible to see the water below it. Her broken mind told her to take this step and let herself fall, but her heart told her otherwise. She heard footsteps behind her, the ground shaking. "(Y/N) WAIT, DON'T DO IT", a voice yelled but it was distant...

She saw herself lifting off the ground, the air hitting her face. Her fall felt like it lasted for hours... The sound of the splashing water filled her ears, as she dived deep into it. She opened her eyes. It was dark. Very dark. Up above her a cyan, blueish light. She tried to swim up to it, but her arms were just floating limp besides her body, along with crimson stains. Her legs didn't obey either. Her burning for oxygen lungs, were being filled by the cold, clear liquid. Her vision slowly faded to black, as she slowly drowned in the abyss of shadows...

Life Is A Game: YouTube High | Book 1 [A YouTubers X Reader FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now