13. Out of Control

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The coffee spilled over the top of the mugs as I set the tray on the table. The Java House was quiet, the night dark beyond the windows. My gaze flicked to the sign on the door – double-checking it was turned to 'closed' – before I shuffled into the booth. I met Calliope's eyes. "So," I said, "where do we start?"

She shrugged. "We start by getting in, obviously."

Across the table, David scoffed. "You make it sound as if getting into the Compound is the easy part."

"It is when you're us." Calliope insisted. "A bunch of Inequits? We're a Scientists' field day waiting to happen."

I met Oliver's eyes where he sat opposite me. I had thought he had gotten me into a huge mess – little had I known that I would end up agreeing to an even bigger one. If the two of us weren't the true definition of Inequits, I didn't know what was. Beside Oliver, twelve purple zeroes hid the countdown on David's Watch. The promise of a future didn't stop his gaze lingering on Calliope's face, or falling on the lace sleeves of her dress as if they hid art, not scars. Whether he knew he was an Inequit or not didn't matter. The Scientists would see the disease running through his veins. I didn't know if his sudden adoration for Calliope was a result of being around Oliver and I, but I knew that if that were the case, Calliope and Hyoyeon would fall victim to the disease before long as well. I tried to tell myself I was okay with that, that the five of us would fall for a good cause – for Libby, for justice, for truth – but Tia's words haunted me.

"You're putting more than just yourself in danger here. Your mum, your sisters, Thomas, Oliver's whole family... You may be willing to endanger all the people around you with this stupid agreement, but I'm not."

I tried to push the words from my thoughts, but they lingered in the back of my mind.

"I... I wouldn't consider myself to have Inequity." Hyoyeon said softly. "I may be struggling with the idea of having a Soul Mate, but I wouldn't say I fit the criteria for the disease very well."

"That's okay." Calliope said, her voice flat. "You're not coming into the Compound with us."

Hyoyeon froze. "What?"

Calliope sighed – a long, drawn-out sound, as if she was dreading the words she planned to follow it. "We need someone outside the Compound with eyes on the security cameras." She said simply. "In light of recent events, I think it would be best if that were you."

"'In light of recent events?'" Hyoyeon asked. "You mean because of Josh?"

"I can't lose him too." Calliope said, too quickly.

Across from me, Oliver stiffened. Protective as she may be of her younger siblings, Calliope seemed to have very little care for Oliver's safety. I reached out to pat his knee under the table – the only subtle form of comfort I could think of – but he brushed me off. He didn't even glance over at me.

David sighed. "What else is there?" He asked, raking his fingers through his already messy hair.

"What do you mean?" Calliope asked.

His gaze flickered between Calliope and Hyoyeon as if he were assessing them both. "There's another reason aside from Josh, but you're not telling us." He said. "Last time you dropped the bombshell of Sera and Oliver on us because you said it would be better if we all knew. With that logic in mind, you should probably tell us whatever else you're thinking."

Calliope cursed under her breath. "Remember me why we invited you?" She asked David.

He flashed her a grin. "My staggering good looks, of course."

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