Chapter 3

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"This isn't happening. This isn't happening." Rey put her hands to her voice and rubbed at her eyes. "It's just a dream. I'll be awake all nice in my bed in a moment."

She pinched her arm. Nothing happened.

"I'm not standing in Kylo Ren's bathroom I'm not standing in Kylo Ren's bathroom." Rey rocked back and forth her stomach churning.

"Kenobi are you okay?" She heard Kylo's voice from outside.

"Yeah!" She called back her voice cracking. Rey sighed before pulling on her clothes and walking out the door.

"What took you so long?"

"I just felt a little sick that what." Rey lied looking down.

"Don't tell me you vomited all over my bathroom!"

"I didn't!" Rey sighed before putting on her shoes.

"I'm still checking."

She rolled her eyes as he stalked off to the bathroom.


"I told you!" She smirked. "Well I'm going back to my room, I have afternoon classes today."

"Okay that's fine."

Rey opened the door ready to head out. "One more thing."


"Don't tell anyone about this?"

"Why?" Kylo smirked as Rey stormed up to him.

"I'm not having my reputation ruined by the likes of you asshole. We may have had a one night stand but I still hate you."

"If you hate me so much why'd this happen?"

"Don't flatter yourself we were drunk."

Kylo smirked at her. "Blame it on the alcohol, I see."

"Shut up you prick." Rey hissed before heading out the door.

Authors Note: I'm sorry that the beginning chapters are so short but they'll get longer I promise. I'm just trying to build the story up. Also I will try to update all my books today.

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