eh idk what to name this

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It was lunch time fresh was eating with his friends they sat at the table they usually ate at fresh was really wasn't eating his soul was bother him it was feeling all funny and unrad but he didn't know why " hey punk you alright" ot undyne asked rudely " yea you haven't touch your food " berry added " ugh I don't know man I just have this unrad feeling " he reply holding his chest undyne rolled her eyes and ate some chips " when did you start feeling this way " blue question sipping on juice " ugh when that new kid error showed up " fresh told him blue gasp as his eyes filled with stars '" maybe you have a crush on him" blue said excited " what no way I can't feel so that's not it " fresh told denying the fact he had a crush on error, fresh looked away and saw error sitting by a table by himself his soul pound with joy " aw looks like bad boy turn soft" fell snickered fresh growled in response

Error POV
I sigh as I watch other kids eat I didn't have lunch money cause gaster took it , it wasn't like I was hungry or anything plus I used to being bullied not like anyone gave a chance to be my friend the slamming of a food tray broke me out of thought a dark skin furry animal stand before me it had short ears and a long bushy tail they wore a blue skirt and white t shirt they also had green eyes they looked a wolf but what I know about animals " hi bud I'm tide some call me teddy ,were ya meal " she asked sitting down next to me " ugh I lost my lunch money" I reply her ears lowered and her joyful expression change " big G took it didn't " I nodded and just hope she would leave " man I can't stand him here have a raw rabbit " she said handing a dead rabbit to me " what the hell" she laugh at my reaction making me blush a bit " you don't like raw food oh how about fry worms " " no why would you eat that " I asked disguised as she wolf down the rabbit " wellI'mawolf so" she said with her mouth full " if you want I could cook the rabbit for you " she asked wagging her tail " umm okay " I reply knowing she wasn't leaving soon she clap her paws together and grab another dead rabbit she open her mouth and blew fire which cooked the rabbit when she was done she hand it to me it smelled good so I tools tiny bite ..... Its amazing " so is it good " she asked with sparks in her eyes wagging her tail excited " its great " I said she pulled me in a hug

Back with fresh
Fresh saw tide talking with error at first he was normal but when error blush and tide hug him he felt a strong feeling of anger and hate his soul was pounding with jealousy?
Everyone was so caught up on something they didn't notice fresh getting up and walking over to tide and error who was now pulling away from the hug fresh lay a hand on tide's shoulder who got the chills her ears lowered and she had the most scared expression ever she around and saw fresh she sigh in referred " god fresh you don't sneak up on someone like that" she said cheerful " hey teddy what y'all doing " fresh asked looking at error who was sucking on a bone he felt a blush appear on his cheeks " ugh were just talking" error responded " hey we should have a sleep party" tide asked almost falling off the chair" yea sounds awesome" fresh answer error didn't want to let tide down since she's looks like a very nice person um animal so he nodded " great pawsome at my place right?" She response but before they could say anything the bell rang tide rush out with a group of other animals guess that's her pack

After school
Tide was jogging to her house it was far form school plus she loved jogging guess it was in her DNA to love running she sensed something following her so she jogged faster she felt something grab her tail it turn her around causing her look at whatever it was " hey teddy pal " fresh said in a harsh tone " fresh ?" Tide looked at him confused he slam her into a near by tree pinning her down " I know your a fun and cheerful perso- er animal but if you get any ideas of stealing error I'll just might have to put you down " fresh threatened tide gulp in fear he soon let's her go before he skates off he asked ' we still having the sleep over " she nodded with her famous joyful expression

( I hope you enjoyed this tide is from a AU my sister own its call animal tale but eh its not really much )

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