scars and secrets

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error looked away too scared  to tell the truth " i um.. my cat?" error knew tide wouldn't believe that " your cat?  you must have a lion or you lying " tedy reply with  sass then looking at error with real worry in her eyes " come on error tell me who's doing this to you" silence filled the room tide ears drop to the side of her face  she rest a  paw on his shoulders and looked him
Strangt in the eye  she could see how much pain he went threw and why he doesn't want to speak but the cause of it she still needed to know but will push him to say something he doesnt want to say  " fine you don't need to tell me but tell someone please i don't wanna see you or anyone hurt" she said walking out   tears filled his eyes but he wipe them away and went to bed
Teddy lay next to blue  playing with her tail she closed her eyes she never liked useing her powers but she needed to know 

Tip tap wosh splash the sounds of water srrounder her  lungs filled with water her tail turn into water she was choking the room spin getting dizzy no one to help her eyes glowed green and blue  the room was pitch black  she had fainted  she felt her body float

In the deep water she looked around only saw water she swam up but the ocean told her to stop yes she talked to all bits of water  " tide its nice seeing you again are you staying this time "  please stay we missed you please don't go "    " sorry river ocean lake and puddle but i need help " she order them they all giggled and rain fell in the ocean then her reflection in the water it change of all her friends at once " who do you seek " rain asked  " error " she told it stop and showed his reflection then  it showed a man who looked like error but he was older and more drunk it gave a clip  of this man beating error with a glass bottle the rain turn into tears " stop i seen what i needed to see thank you i need to go home now " everyone awwed in sadness river pled for her not to go ocean was the the mature one of the waters " please visit again my queen"  then they all disappeared  a bell ringing was heard it got louder , louder  then a scream of pain tide couldn't breath her head pound  then the pain was over tide shoot up it was early in the morning  the sun didn't rise yet she got up and notice blue smiling in his dream  she kissed his forehead and went to the kitchen  put milke to heat up grab a tea bag  and bread with butter  after eatting she got dressesd wearing a green skrit and purple long sleeve shirt   she watched my little pony and spongbob  when fresh  ice woke up  " yawn you up sis " ice said flopping herself on a chair  fresh ate paw puffs with milke  error soon came out and sat next to fresh  blue  sat on ice by mistake cause he wad still sleepy and didn't see her laying with her head down in the chair till she gave a growl to warn off blue the he would get bite  everyone but blue and ice laugh   soon everyone left and went home fresh went to his other friends house to prank their history teacher and steal a couple things

Fresh pov
I saket on my borad away form the sence we spray paint our teacher's house it was funking awesome  my phone buzz i took it out still saketing it was a text form teddy i have her saved as lil T she has me saved as fresh juice

Lil T: bro what up

Fresh juice : im on the run so not much
Lil T : brah 0-0 wtf

Fresh juice :  XD
Lil T: no but i need to tell you something

Fresh juice : ...?? I like someone else
Lil T: god damn it fresh !!!
Fresh juice :  >:) 

Lil T : .. wait who ??
Fresh juice : oh shit no one o_O
Lil T : ~.~    okay but really its about error

Fresh stop by a bus stop and sat down he was nevrous whats wrong with error ??

Fresh juice : huh what wrong is he okay ????????
Lil T :   no well someone is hurting him like at home not in school its bad

Fresh juice left

Lil T: fresh get your bitch ass back here!!!

I didn't reply to her i knew tide and she never joked about things like this so if it really was happening to error i will make sure who ever is doing this very sorry i saketed to error's place  i knocked on his door  he answered he wore a white t shirt and a black short pants he had a book in his hand he was reading the cover said  the ghost dog howls he didn't look up once he read the book "yea can i help you "  he didn't really sound like he wanted to answer the door " yea where is he?" Fresh command pushing error to the side  " who ?" Error looked up form the book closed the door and follow fresh inside   fresh kept looking around error looked on confuesd  " who are you looking for?" He asked again more glitch up "  the asshole who has been hurting you " fresh realize he said ass with no promble  error froze up how did he know run threw his mind  he didn't notice fresh stepping close to him pulling him close to his face   a blush apear on error's face  purple magic float around fresh's eyes  it looked sexy to error  fresh then thought about looking under his shirt so he lift error's shirt showing his ribs and spine and the scars  error blushed even harder  and tears filled his eyes fresh felt sick how could someone do this to a beautiful monster  he pulled his shirt back down  and looked error who was blushing like crazy and cover his face with his hand to hid his tears fresh pulled him into a hug error glitching like crazy " im sorry" fresh told error fresh pulled out of the hug  and looked error in the eyes he pulled his shades off to get a better look of his love he lean in and kissed him on the lips

It didn't last long it was in the heat of the moment fresh realize what he was doing and left error who cried more  because he thought he chase fresh

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