Chapter 2: Dinner at Cipher Mansion

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When they arrived Bill threw open the door before they could even knock.

"Welcome! Welcome!" The blonde exclaimed as he ushered them inside. Dipper noticed that Bill had changed into a yellow suit and bow tie. Dipper felt a blush appear on his cheeks as Bill put his arms around the twins and pulled them close to him. "It's nice to see you two!" He exclaimed as he started walking toward the dining hall. The twins' parents glanced around in awe at the huge mansion's well-decorated interior. Dipper noticed a lot of triangles in the architectural design of the building. Why triangles?

Bill's parents were waiting in the dining hall. They both stood up and walked over to shake the twins' parents' hands. The four adults started chatting and Bill dragged the twins over to the table. He sat down between them, a huge grin spread across his face. The adults soon joined them and both families dug into the feast that had been prepared.

Dipper felt a hand slip into his and he glanced down to see Bill was holding his hand again. Dipper felt his blush return as he continued eating. Bill yammered on with the four adults and Mabel chimed in every now and then. Toward the end of the meal Bill pulled Dipper away from the table.

"I'm going to show Dipper around, okay?" He asked.

"Go on ahead, son." Bill's father replied and they all continued their chat. Mabel winked at Dipper as the blonde dragged him to an elaborate staircase.

"My room's up here." He quickly explained. He threw open the door and the brunette took in the room. It was really neat and the bed was nicely made. Bill led him over to the bed and he threw the brunette onto it and pinned him down. His face was inches away from Dipper's face which was probably as red as a tomato. Bill's huge grin remained.

"You know, I really like you." The blond whispered. Dipper felt his heart skip a beat then speed up.

"I-I really like you too." He whispered back. Bill flopped over onto the bed beside him.

"Well that's good to hear!" He exclaimed and threw his arms up in the air before letting them flop back down. Dipper glanced over at him.

"Why uh, why do you like me, anyway?" Dipper asked.

"To be honest, I don't really know." Bill replied, resting his head on a hand. Dipper slowly sat up, feeling a little nervous about being alone with Bill. This time it was Dipper that grabbed Bill's hand. Bill looked a little surprised as Dipper interlocked their fingers.

"Well I'm glad you like me." He said shyly, looking away from the other's face. "So why'd you bring me up here, anyway?" He asked after a moment's pause.

"I wanted to get away from my parents. They don't know I'm gay. What about yours?" Bill replied casually.

"You're actually the first person I've really been interested in." Dipper replied sheepishly.

"Oh! Really? That's cool. You're the only boy I've seen with some real promise in this town!" Bill practically shouted. Dipper didn't bother to ask what he meant by that. "So-" Bill was cut off by the door opening. Mabel peered into the room.

"Hope I'm not disturbing you guys." She said.

"Come on in, I guess." Bill said a little glumly.

"Oh my gosh! Are you guys holding hands!?" Mabel gasped, throwing a hand over her mouth.

"D-don't tell mom and dad, okay?" Dipper pleaded.

"Why not!?" Mabel exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air and walking closer to the bed. "You two look so cute together!"

"I-I just don't want them to know, alright?" Dipper replied, looking away.

"Hey, no need to be ashamed, Pine Tree." Bill said, pulling Dipper into a hug. Mabel internally squealed like a fangirl.

"B-but you said your parents didn't-" The brunette started.

"They don't. But I'll tell them if I get to date you." Bill replied, hugging Dipper tighter.

"I don't know. We don't really-"

"We've been friends online for months. You like me and I like you. Why not make it official, huh?" Cipher went on. "It'd be good for business between our parents anyway. Maybe your parents could jump up in the company. Wouldn't that be nice?"

"Well, sure, but so suddenly?"

"Come on, Dipper!" Mabel insisted. "There's no reason not to date him. He's hot and he likes you! Who knows when you'll get a chance like this again!?"

"Okay, fine! I'll tell my parents I'm gay." Dipper said with a sigh of defeat. "Satisfied?"

"And I'll tell mine. In fact, we could always go tell them right now." Bill let go of Dipper, smirking.

"R-right now!?" Dipper exclaimed.

"Well they're all down there chatting anyway, am I right?" Bill replied with a shrug.

"I guess you have a point..."

"Well let's get going, then!" Bill shouted, grabbing Dipper's hand. Mabel outwardly squealed and followed the two lover boys down the stairs.

((Yeah, that's right~! I'm back on wattpad and I brought an update! I should be updating more regularly hopefully. Can't promise anything though because I'm moving out and starting college this week and next week. But I have the next part almost done. Sorry this one wasn't as long. I wanted to leave you guys with a cliffhanger. Heheh.

Until next time, my demons............))

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