Chapter 3: Coming Out and School

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"Oh mother and father! Sorry to interrupt your chat with Dipper's parents, but there's been something on my mind for quite a while now. I've been wanting to get it off my chest and I think now is as good of a time as ever!" Bill shouted as he threw open the dining room doors and stomped in with the twins trailing behind him.

"Oh? What is it dear?" His mother asked.

"Yes son, what is it?" Mr. Cipher asked.

"Mother, father," Bill said, looking at each of his parents, "I've been attracted to boys for quite a while now. And one boy in particular has caught my interest."

"Oh, really now?" His father asked, raising an eyebrow.

"How long have you known?" His mother asked.

"I've known for some time now, mother. And the boy I happen to like is none other than your son, Mr. and Mrs. Pines."

"R-really?" Mrs. Pines asked, raising a hand to her mouth in shock.

"I'm afraid so, Mrs. Pines." Bill replied. "And it appears that Dipper has similar feelings toward me."

"I-is this true, son?" Mr. Pines asked.

"Y-yes dad. Bill and I have been online friends for quite a while now like I told you earlier and when I met him in person I just, I just felt something." Dipper said sheepishly.

"I see." Mr. Pines said after a moment. "What do you think, Mr. and Mrs. Cipher?"

"I think they look cute together." Mrs. Cipher replied. "And if they like each other then I don't see why they can't be in a relationship. They are teenagers after all. We can't make all their decisions for them. Plus, I've always had my suspicions that you were a little queer, Billy."

"Sounds good to me." Mr. Cipher agreed. "Just as long as your relationship doesn't interfere with the family business."

"And it sounds quite alright to me too." Dipper's mother chimed in. Mabel was practically bouncing around with excitement. Bill pulled Dipper into a hug.

"See? It wasn't that hard to come out, was it?" He whispered in the brunette's ear. Dipper blushed a little as Bill pulled away. "So what about dessert?" He asked.

After dessert the Pines family headed home and Dipper passed out on his bed, dreaming of a certain blonde Cipher.

The next morning Dipper woke up to find his phone was blown up with messages from Bill:

Cipher: I can't sleep

Cipher: are you asleep?

Cipher: I guess you are. How did you manage to fall asleep so fast?

Cipher: I can't wait to see you tomorrow, love!

Cipher: <3

Dipper quickly sent a reply.

Pine Tree: I was exhausted. I can't wait to see you, either.

Pine Tree: Love you too, Cipher!

The brunette grabbed a pair of clothes and headed to the bathroom to shower.

Bill didn't message him back so Dipper assumed he was busy getting ready for school. When he reached the entrance he saw Bill waiting for him. The blonde was wearing a yellow button-up and a black vest with black dress pants.

"Oh Pine Tree!" Bill called from the door and Dipper saw a few people give him weird looks. No one gave Bill a second glance though. Once Dipper had reached his friend, Bill threw an arm around him and pulled him close.

"How are you today, Pine Tree?" He asked, leading the brunette to their first class.

"Pretty good. Why are you dressed up so fancy? I thought picture day wasn't for a few more weeks." Dipper asked as he was ushered down the hallway.

"My parents always say I need to look my best to impress." Bill replied, throwing open the classroom door.

"And who are you trying to impress?" Dipper asked as Bill led him toward his seat.

"You silly!" Bill exclaimed, pulling Dipper back a bit so the blonde could see his face. Dipper felt his face get hot.

"R-really?" He asked.

"Well who else would I be trying to impress!? You're going to be my boyfriend, right?"

"I guess you're right." Dipper replied with a nod.

"I always knew you were gay." A voice called from the doorway. "Cipher." Dipper turned to see Pacifica standing there with a small group of Barbie wannabes.

"Oh! So you've heard the news, Pacifica!" Bill exclaimed. "That's great to hear! And I've heard you're straight as an arrow, am I right?" He asked, pointing at the girl in question.

"I'm not a faggot like you and your boyfriend." Pacifica replied, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Hehehe, you're just jealous, Pacifica!" Bill said, grinning.

"And why would I be jealous of a gay like you?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"For starters, my parents don't treat me like a monkey." He replied with a smirk.

Pacifica opened her mouth to say something but the warning bell rang and students started to flood the room. Bill stuck his tongue out at Pacifica and sat beside Dipper.

((I'm so mean to Pacifica. But I needed a jerk in this fic, soooooooo, yeah. Heheh. Anyway, I hope you enjoy~! I'll try to write the next part sometime in the near future. I'm not really sure where I'm going with this. I really need to make an end-goal soon.

Until next time............))

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 25, 2016 ⏰

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