Over the Wall ~5~

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5 years later:

I bolted nimbly over the thin wooden slats that made the roofs of the upper ground stalls, only my toes hitting the mismatched wood. I leaned forward, enjoying the wind whipping my hair, long and brown, braided intricately. The feel of my sword and hand axes hitting my thighs over my purple tunic and black leggings. The sleeveless tunic allowed me more freedom and I liked the feel of the wind on my bare arms. My bare feet barely scraped the wood, I was free.

I catapulted myself over the side of the stalls, flipping, I outstretched my arms, my palms facing outward and completely flat.

"Estelle INTAINUM," I shouted, a surfboard of wind was created under my feet, buffering my from the ground. I swayed by body to keep steady on the board, whooping as I sailed through the air, clean cut. As I reached the lush green fields, I felt something or someone watching me. I smiled; I was stronger than them. Propelling upward, I swayed my body so that the field was to my back but I was still approaching it, I back flipped over the small wall and landed on the lush grass, sword drawn and shield in hand. I snarled, baring my teeth, turning slowly in a circle: banging my sword upon my shield in a 'fight me' notion.

Seven men, in assorted colourful armour, came running at me from all directions. I jumped, pulling my knees up to my chest as I began my decent down, I spread my legs to shoulder width apart and landed atop two of the men's plume adorned helmets, I bashed their head together and jumped off, landing in fighting stance. The remaining five men charged, green, orange, yellow, pink and lilac. Lilac attacked first, I deflected with my shield, knocking him off balance before smashing the hilt of my sword into his helmeted head, knocking him out. Green and yellow tried combo attacks, a mixture of magi charged swords and a small hand gun. I dropped my sword and allowed my shield to dissipate, grabbing the hilts of my two hand axes, I whirled them into position in my hands, I summersaulted and kicked the hand gun out of yellows hand and then landed a roundhouse kick to his temple, he crumpled at my feet. Green stabs at me, I catch the sword between the blades of my hand axes, knocking him back. I kick him right in the cod piece, he could feel it as he curled into a ball and fainted. Pink knocked an arrow and prepared to shoot as orange fled, his tail between his legs. As pink let the arrow fly, I created a breeze, turning the arrow around and hitting pink in the leg, bouncing off the armour but giving me enough time to launch forward and give a scissor kick, again, to the temple. I stood amongst the crumpled bodies and looked out for orange, I'd barely broken a sweat and my breathing remained calm and even.

Shona appeared, a stopwatch in hand.

"7 minutes and 23 seconds. You get faster each time. I'm glad I chose you as my heir." She said. Her dark gold braided hair catching the light over her shoulder. I bowed.

"Thanks, Shona. I'm starved, can we go back to the market place? They had some nice kebabs...they smelt amazing!" I said as my stomach grumbled. Shona nodded, a knowing smile on her eternally young face. I lifted my foot up and placed it down onto a block of solidified air, the invisible board shimmering. I push my other foot along the ground at a slow pace to begin moving, then place my other foot up next to my first one.

"I must speak to you about something though. A man, from Vlencia, came over the wall last night." She began.

"No," I started.

"Let me finish." I immediately hushed. "He has a request from the King and the Prince."


"It's ok, but he has chosen one of his illegitimate sons as his successor. He wants to marry the 22 year old boy to me, I am much too old and you are to become queen in a matter of weeks. Consider this. You can always kill him."

"But the King always has ulterior motives, we don't know what he is trying to do! Please, Shona, tell me you didn't do anything rash..."

"I accepted."

"SHONA! No! I refuse."

"In all time, child, you will see. Now, you've made me salivate with the sound of those kebabs. Let's go."

She continued into the markets, right to the stall I'd ran over, the smell alluring and delicious. I allowed my fury to die for now, but my adoptive mother would feel it later.

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