Over the Wall ~7~

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Dedicated to Popinpup - You always have the best ideas!

He looked different from how I thought he would. As the King, his father, is repulsive, I thought he would be too. Still, not gonna marry him. I have rights to choose.

Noah and Jedidiah followed me and Liana to the castle, as we approached the colourful and flower skirted grounds, Liana broke off from our group.

"Sam and Ierah should have finished school by now and it's time for me to cook their dinner. Also, Nate is expecting me home. Bye! Good bye, Noah, it's good to see you again, little brother." She waved good bye and walked the well trodden path to her home. Noah started to speed up a bit and walk by my side.

"This is a beautiful place...but why did you leave? Leave Vlencia that is..." He asked. I shook my head, hair spilling over my shoulders, my braid swinging with my hair in a thickened brown rope. I heard the prince inhale sharply but remain at his distance.

"You didn't hear what Mother was going to do to me?" I inquired back. It was his turn to shake his head. "She planned to marry me off to that repulsive King. Also, she abused me every day of my life. Being 12 years older than me, you were living in the barracks by the time my hair grew out. I was a disgrace."

Noah looked disgusted. Then his face set into an angry mask and he contemplated our mothers problems. The massive wooden doors to the palace courtyard opened, the guards smiling.

"Lady Knight." They bowed low, spears still clutched in their hands.

"Rise, don't show me such grandeur when I have not asked for it. And thank for opening the door, Reggie thought it would be funny to deny me entry yesterday. Bastard." I laugh, walking through the doors, the courtyard lined with green and trees and potted plants, the boys stated in wonder at the sparkling space, I continued on to the tile studded archway that led into the throne room.

A simple wooden throne sits centrefold in the room, painted and splattered with colour, a velvet cushion sits on it, a stone table to the side sits laden with food. The fire to the left is stoked by a woman in customary blue robes, a maid of the castle. She looks at us and scurries away. Just as she steps foot out of the room, Shona walks in. Regal in golden splendour, threaded through with purple and wrapped tightly around her body, leather adorns her hands. She's just come from the combat room.

"Child, who is this?" She asks, beginning to unwrap the taut leather from her hands, showing blistered knuckles and split skin. She places the wraps on the tables beside her throne.

"Maia, bring some chairs for our guests! And a jug of mead too please." Shona calls as the blue robed woman steps back into the room.

"A couple shots of Vodka over here, thanks Maia." I say as she approaches, extra chairs, cups and bottles floating behind her. "I'm gonna need it." I mutter to myself

I look to both the boys...men, and see fear and wonder cross their eyes as the floating chairs set themselves onto the ground and wine pours itself into two of the goblets. I sit and watch as the small shot glasses before me are filled with the clear, potent liquid, I down all of them quickly. Wiping my mouth, I gesture to the men to sit, Noah beside me and Jedidiah before me. Both look wary. Shona's opalescent eyes scan the table before she begins to pick at some bread and cheese.

"I am Shona, current Queen of Salem. Who might you be? So that I can skip the formalities." She says, taking a bite of the cheese slathered bread.

"I am Jedidiah, Prince of Vlencia. This is Noah, my bodyguard and Knight, my...liege?" Jedidiah says warily. Shona nods before looking to me. I groan and slump my head forward, I look up into the eyes of Jedidiah.

"What business do you have coming here, Prince Jedidiah?" I grumble, picking some warm chicken off the whole one before me and slipping it into my mouth. Jedidiah looks at me.

"Jed, please, just Jed. My father had told me of your city. I came to warn you, Angel." He says not breaking my gaze, to see just how far he's follow me, I begin to move my head from side to side. Noah lets out a small chortle. Once satisfied, I stop.

"Wait....Angel?" I ask. "And warn us of what?"

Jed smiles. "Forgive me, but the night you ran from the ball, I thought I'd seen an angel. Your beauty is ethereal."

He's lying to me. I slam my hands down on the table, standing up and pushing my chair back. My mind blazes with fury as the Crimson blush stains my cheeks.

"You will not receive what you are looking for, sir. I'll take my leave, before you try and poison my mind with your lies." I shriek, my hand on my sword, I walk from the throne room. I daren't look back, as the flush still stains my cheeks. No one has called me an angel before, much less rivalled my 'beauty' to that of a Godly creature. Still, he seeks to poison the minds of my people and take our kingdom and ruin it.

I hear footsteps behind me on the stone floor. Some one grabs my arm and spins to to see their face. Noah. He crushes me to his chest, a laugh leaves his lips.

"You little spitfire." He laughs, my skin turning a deeper shade of red with embarrassment as I can still see Jed and Shona over his shoulder, Jed's mirth filled eyes meeting mine, his deep, sexy laughter filling the room. There is something about him that just makes me think that if I don't handle him the right way: He could wheedle himself into my heart.

I won't let that happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2016 ⏰

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