Chapter 15

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Okay before this chapter begins I'm just gonna bitch about something so if you don't want to read it just skip it.

SOOOOO school was so terrible. First of all I'm in a public high school and they're saying students can't bring their phones to school. Most of the time I really don't use my phone but I do when I'm bored. If you get caught with a phone they'll take it and your parent has to come to school and get it.

So my 3rd block is health and they say we have to get to class in five minutes. I have to walk down two flights of stairs, walk through the 11th grade hall, go down some more stairs, go outside, walk past the tennis court, then go inside the gymnasium. 😐😐 I took me about 20 minutes wtf how do they expect me to walk down all of those damn stairs and get to class on time. But on bright side I have biology and geometry (the only math I can do lmao)

I'm in 9th grade tho.. Did you all take biology and Geometry in 9th grade?

What are some rules that you think are totally unfair at your school?

Okay I'm done. Sorry if this chapter is horrible I started typing this once my migraines went away (thank motherfucking jisoos because I was about to fucking die at school omf)


Jungkook's PoV

After I hugged Jimin he started blushing which made me smile.

He stopped blushing once he noticed my face.

"Hey Kookie what's wrong with your nose?" Jimin said and poked my band aid a bit which made me wince.

"Oh I'm sorry. Is it broken?"

I nodded my head.

"What? How?"

"Uh.. I hit it on a doorknob?"

Jimin sighed. "You're gonna have to make a better excuse. Where is your first aid kit? Your nose is still bleeding a little"

I pointed to the the stairs.

"It's in my room."

We walked up the stairs to go to my room. Once we got in I closed the door.

He got the first aid kit from my dresser and took out some alcohol pads. I sit on my bed and he gently removes my (boxers) band aid.

He throws the band aid away in the trash bin and dabs the alcohol pad on my nose.

"Why didn't you use peroxide?" I asked him

"It swells up you're blood vessels, you should only really use it for inflammation. Not open wounded injures." Jimin said (lmao I learned that in health. Give me a high five for paying attention :) )

"Ooo Chim Chim knows a little about science."

Jimin smiled a little.

"Yeah I'm planning to major in science if I go to college." His smile died down a little

Oh he's going to college. I have nothing to do with my money anyway. Maybe we can go to the same college.

When he got done with my nose he put another clean band aid on.

"Thank you"

He nods and sits on the bed with me.

"So I expect you to tell me what happened to your nose" he says looking at me.

"Um so me and Yoongi were throwing hands"

"Huh? Throwing hands? What's that?"

"We got into a fight" I tell him chuckling at him.

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