Chapter 17: BITCH!

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Tia P.O.V

This Payton girl was really nice we talked for a long time I learned a lot about her, maybe she can become my new Friend :). The bell rung and I had no clue where to go and that Payton girl left before I could ask her about the schedule. I was walking in this hallway slow and soon it was empty then someone walked up to me and I looked up and it was the boy from earlier. He smiled at me and I smiled back

"Need help."

"Yes, please."

"Hmm seems like you college reading, I'll walk you there." He smiled and handed me back my schedule and lead the way and I followed him. We finally arrived at the room I was suppose to be in and I walked in. All eyes were on me and I stared right back at they asses

"Good morning Ms.Sanchez just sit were there is a empty seat." I sat right in the back and had no clue what was going on so I just spaced out until that damn bell rung. I grabbed my notebook and started doodling I was really bored I wish I was still in Hawaii at my old school and most important with my bestfriend. The bell rung and I was the first one out that damn door I wasn't playing. My next class was band YESS I love band, sadly I didn't know where it was so I'm lost again and I looked around.

"HEYYY gurl." I look up and saw Payton I smiled

"Hey, umm Payton where is the music room?"

"Aw right down the hell by the first locker on the left biggest room on this floor." She smiled

"Thank you, bye gurl." She weaves and I walked into the music room and was greeted by the music teacher Ms.Klaus she smiled


"Tia Sanchez."

"Aww Ms.Sanchez u signed up for Saxophone okay ur gonna be sitting in the middle section okay?" She smiled and I nodded and sat where I was suppose to sit soon the class filled with a lot of other kids and I was just sooo excited I loved band.When I picked my classes and saw band first thing I picked I played piano at my last school decided to switch it up I know how to play the sax already but I wanna improve myself. I looked up and saw that same boy from earlier and who helped me find my 1st period class he's taking band he doesn't seem like the boy to be in this class and he sat right next to me.

"Hello to you again." I smiled


" I don't think I caught your name."

"It's Tia."

"Hi Tia I'm Deron." I smiled

"Nice to meet you."

"Not to be rude but don't seem like the boy to be in band."

"Yeaa I know I was kinda force to do this I'm a football guy." I giggled

"Why were u forced?"

"My dad.. He said I should try something else out and continue to be on the football team."

"Damn sucks for you."

"Yea I know right." The bell rung and the class began I notice I every class this chick giving me looks whenever I talked to Deron I wonder what the hell is up with her. This class went by quick and it was time for the next class and I had college writing that class went by quick and it was time for lunch 1 hour of lunch I spent it with Deron since I had nobody else I couldn't find Payton so i just went with Deron. After lunch I had my last class which was PE ugh I hate to sweat. After PE it was time to go home since I live close to the school I walk home while I was walking home I heard someone yell I turned around and it was the chick who was staring at me whenever I talked to Deron but she had a group of girls.

"Bianca that's the bitch who been fucking with Deron." Oh hell now no this bitch ain't Finna do this shit they walked closer to me


"Yall the funniest." I turned around and started to walk away and I felt a bitch grab my hair and I don't play about my hair I threw my bookbag off and I grabbed the bitch wrist.

"I advise up you to let go of my fucking hair." She kept pulling my hair and I punched her dead in her fucking eye. She still wasn't letting it go then the bitch had nerve to start swinging . She punched me in my mouth and I felt blood and I got real mad shit just got real. I grabbed her by her hair and we were wrestling for awhile then I got on top of her and I was smashing her head against the concrete we started getting a crowd and I let my anger get control of me and I just started just punching her in her face and all you saw was blood she getting no hits in SMACK SMACK SMACK this bitch getting no hits her friends sensed she was loosing and these BITCHES JUMPING IN IM GETTING JUMPED and then I saw someone jump in and started fighting one of Bianca friends and was handling both of the friends . and she was punching and talking at the same time

" DONT. JUMP.IN.NO.FIGHT.WHEN.IT.DONT.INVOLVE. YOU BITCH!" You heard the last punch and Bianca friend was knocked out cold i stood up and kicked Bianca in her jaw and I grabbed my bookbag and I walked away. The crowd was screaming "WORLDSTAR!" And had there phones all out and I just walked away dem bitches had my fucked up the fuck they thought this was

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