Chapter 22: BJ... AND NO NOT BLOW JOB ^.^

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Kayla P.O.V

So right after Payton left me and Tia alone me and Tia went to go sit and talk then a boy came up to me and wanted to talk with me so I went with him I felt bad for leaving Tia, but the nigga was fine. I figured she would be alright. But I'm on this couch with this sexy nigga and we started to talk.

"What's your name?" He said in my ear

"Kayla." He smiled at me

"That's a very beautiful name." I started to blush

"Why thank you, what's your name."


"Is it short for something?"

"Nope my government name is BJ."

"Aw sounds cool."

"It's ight niggas like to joke around why to damn much calling me blow job and shit so I have to either give em the death stare or slap em across they face." I start laughing

"Well ain't you a bit aggressive."

" You have to sweetheart, only why to survive this world you can't be no sweet nigga, people won't take ya seriously." I nodded

"You ain't lying."

"But forreal enough about me tell me about you."

"I'm a very boring person BJ I don't do nothing."

"You not boring, nobody boring everybody does something entertaining."

"Well does cussing out yo teachers count." BJ starts laughing and I laugh with him.

"Yes that counts, I cuss my teachers out bout twice a week dey be pissing me off." I high fived him

"You ain't lying my nigga." We talk for alittle bit more , and I ended up getting BJ phone number and his Instagram name so imma follow him as soon as I get home. I remember Tia telling me about some curfew she got which was 1:30 and it's getting pretty close to 1:30 so I need to find her. She's not where I left her where could that girl have gone. I see Payton, maybe she knows where Tia went I stood beside her and said in her ear:

"Payton you know where Tia is?" She looked at me with her eyes half closed and blood shot red, this girl den got high

"Gurllll.. I-I d..don't know where shorty went." Then she said laughing, I don't know why this girl laughing for I shook my head and just pat her back

"I'll be back." She nodded and turned her head taking another puff of the blunt. I continued to look for Tia and I searched everywhere but the kitchen she might be in there if not in there then she's in the backyard. I walked to the kitchen and I slowly opened the door and what do you know it. This child is sitting on the counter with some nigga in between ha legs kissing, I smiled to myself and shook my head and turned around. Hope dey don't fuck on that damn counter.

-BJ in multimedia-

Unordinary~In process of editing~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon