Chapter 12

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Alisha Sugg//
I wake up to Joe speaking to Jack outside the room. I groan and sit up remembering what happened yesterday.
I know Conor wouldn't have physically done It to me...right?
I get out of bed and have a quick shower. I do my usual skin care routine and dry my hair.
I change into an adidas crop jumper an high waisted, white skinny jeans and I slide on my adidas superstars. I put on my necklace and rings along with my watch.
I do a natural make up look.

The thought of seeing my mum today is hovering in my mind making me so paranoid

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The thought of seeing my mum today is hovering in my mind making me so paranoid.
I'm scared she's going to still be a bitch and not want to see me.

The door opens causing me to unfocus on my thoughts
"Morning" Jack smiles
"Morning" I say
"I can't stay with you at your mums because I need to go down to Brighton but would u be ok by yourself?" He says
"Yeah I'll be fine, you have to take me though" I smile
"Ok" he says

The car journey felt like forever. I start shaking as we park Infront her house.
"You'll be fine babe" he says kissing my cheek
"Ok" I sigh
"Are you sure you'll be ok" he says
"I'll be fine" I smile anxiously
"Bye" he says leaning in to kiss me
"Bye" I kiss him back

I step out the car and nervously walk towards the door. I watch Jack drive off and Sigh. I want him here. I take a deep breath in and knock 5 times.

She opens the door and seems very shocked.
"Alisha" she whispers
"Mum" I say
"I am so sorry" she says starting to tear up
"I'm sorry too" I say hugging her

An hour passes and we've had a good catch up.
"Shall we go out shopping" mum asks
"Sure" I smile
"Can you drive" she asks
"Sure" I smile
She throws throws me the keys and we walk out to the car. We jump in and I put on my music. We sing loudly to it.

Half way through shopping a lot of fans start crowding around us.
"What is going on" mum says
"These are my fans" I say panicky
"Your what" she says shocked
"Guys let me get out" I say panicking
They all moved and I walk out of the crowd and I sit down on the floor. I start breathing heavily. I hate crowds. I want Jack. Everything suddenly went black.

"Alisha" my mum says
I open my eyes and I'm in a bedroom. Probably my mums
"Why would you do that to me, Infront of everyone, it was so embarrassing" she says angrily
"It's not my fault" I say sitting up
"you control yourself it clearly is your fault" She says
"OH GET OUT" she shouts
Of course she hasn't changed. Why would I think that.
"Gladly" I smile and walk downstairs to the front door. I get a taxi home as its too far to walk.

I get back to my flat and Josh is sat on the sofa.
"Hey" he says
"Hey" I smile
"How'd it go" he asks
"Not great, she's still a bitch" I roll my eyes
"Ahh, some people never change" he sighs
"That's sadly true" I say
"So when is Jack and Conor coming back" I continue
"Should be tonight, is there something going on between you and Jack" he asks
"No why" I ask
"Because you two seem really close at the Moment" he says
"Oh he's just a good friend" I smile
"Ok" Josh says

Authors note
Sorry for the long wait. I ran out of ideas and I've been very busy. This was crappier then I wanted it to be but hope you like it. Byeee xx

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