Chapter 6

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Riker's POV

"Ok guys let's run Ain't no way we're going home one more time and then take a break"

"Ok" we all said.

"Nice. I think we're ready for next week." I said when we finished.

"Yeah definitely it's gonna be an awesome show." said Rocky.

Usually when we take a break at rehearsals Ross is playing one of the guitars or my bass or the keyboard or drums. Today he didn't though. He kinda just sat down and took out his phone. It was kinda weird. Whatever. His girlfriend was coming back tomorrow so maybe he's just texting her or something. I went over to Rocky to talk about some stuff.

Ross's POV

S'mores! I forgot to ask Lauren about s'mores! You can't have a bonfire without s'mores.

R: 'Hey are we making s'mores at the bonfire tonight?'

L: 'What's a bonfire without s'mores?!'

R: 'A bonfire????'

L: 'Don't get smart with me mister'

R: 'Too late... So are you gonna get all the s'mores stuff or do you want us to bring some stuff'

L: 'Don't worry about it we got it all covered but you guys can bring guitars if you want and we could have like a sing along or whatever'

R: 'Ok sounds good. See you tonight then. I gotta go back to rehearsal'

L: 'kk see you later'

"Ok guys let's run the second half of the set" said Riker and we did. After that our rehearsal was over. It was almost 2 so we had about 2 hours till we were supposed to meet up with the Cimorelli's. We just went home and chilled out for a while. Hmm maybe I should go find out more about them.

Lauren's POV

We got home from a meeting around 1:30 and we're meeting the Lynch's at 4. So i have 2 and a half hours.What the Heck am I gonna do with 2 and a half hours.

I need to kill some time. I decided to put all the s'mores stuff in a picnic basket with some blankets. That only took like half a hour. Ugh still 2 hours.

I just went to my room and sat on my bed with my laptop. Lisa was on her bed with her laptop too.

"Hey Lauren I just thought of something" she said.

"What?" I asked looking up from my screen.

"Well the guys from R5 said they were gonna check us out on YouTube right?


"Well what if Ross see's an Interview where you say he's your celeb crush? Like he'll know you like him but what if the feelings are not mutual?" I thought about it for a minute. What if he does? Oh man that'd be catastrophic. Or maybe it wouldn't. Maybe he'd be cool about it. Ahhh I don't know this whole Ross celebrity crush business confuses me.

"I don't know Lisa I mean... I don't know"

"Wouldn't it make things weird for you guys?"

"Yeah but I don't think I want to date him. I just think he's really attractive."

"Are you gonna tell him that?"

"I don't know I mean I guess if it comes up but you know we don't want to boost his big ego" I said making fun of him. He'd know I was kidding.

"Haha yeah right" and we were silent for a while looking back at our screens. Finally it was almost 3:15 so I started getting ready.

I checked the weather and it was gonna be pretty nice out for November. About 70-60 degrees. So I just put on my black and white striped shorts with my favorite tanktop that was orange and white and some white vans. It looked sporty and girly at the same time. It looked really good. I then brushed my hair and put on some make up. 

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