Chapter 8

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Ross's POV 

Emma's coming home today! I was really excited. I had today off so I could pick her up from the airport and we could hang out. Tomorrow and Thursday are rehearsal days for Friday's concert.

I stood in the airport with a baseball cap and a hoodie with the hood up. And sunglasses. Only the people I was close to knew about me and Emma so I didn't want anyone to recognize me.

I saw her come out of the gate and smiled big. It's been 2 weeks since I've seen her. I had a date planed for us today. It was kinda hard to plane a cute date when you were trying to keep your relationship out of all the media and stuff but I managed. I knew Emma would understand.

"Hey" I said and grabbed her suitcase for her.

"Hey" she said back. We didn't really talk much in the airport but when we got in the car she said "Ross can I ask you a question?"

"Well I mean you just did but sure. Go for it."

"Who's this?" She was holding up her phone displaying a picture of me and Lauren from the bonfire.

"Oh that's Lauren. Her and her sisters are a pop girl band called Cimorelli. Cimorelli being their last name" I explained.

"Do you like her?"

"Nope can't answer that you already used your question" I was teasing her of course.

"Ross" oh well I guess she wasn't in the mood for teasing.

"Course I like her but just as a friend. She's cool. I think you'd like her"

"Really? I mean I read some of the comments on Instagram, and there were a bunch 'shipping' you guys."

"Em you know better than to listen to all those people. And besides they probably wouldn't if they knew about us."

"So why don't we tell those people about us?"

"You know why"

"I know" she said. "I guess I just felt jealous when I saw that picture and those comments."

"You have nothing to be jealous of. She's just a friend" I reassured her. "And by the way I've got a date planed for us tonight." That cheered her up. I saw a smile appear on her face.

Lauren's POV 

I forgot to text Ross that 5 of us were going to the concert on Friday. Oops.

'Hey Ross just letting you know that 5 of us are going to the concert Friday :)'

I contemplated the smiley face but you know what yolo.

Ross's POV 

Since we couldn't really go to the movie theater together Emma and I went to my house. Everyone left so we could have some privacy and I'm sure mom and dad were worried about what we might do. We were going to watch a movie and then have a nice dinner that I would prepare. Emma choose a movie off of Netflix while I made popcorn. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and took it out to check it while the popcorn was cooking. It was a text from Lauren.

'Hey Ross just letting you know that 5 of us are going to the concert Friday :)'

'Only half of you guys? What happened to the other 5! Jk we'll reserve the tix under your name'

'Haha well the boys aren't really into pop. They like dubstep techno rock kinda stuff. And Kath has to babysit'

'It's cool. The concert starts at 7 but you guys can come at like 5 and hang with us backstage if you want. Just tell the security guard your name'

'Kk sounds good'

"Babe the movie's starting" Emma came in the kitchen. "Come on Ross no phones. It's gonna ruin the date" she said taking my phone out of my hand. "I thought you said you didn't like her." She saw I was texting Lauren.

"I told you you have nothing to worry about. She's just a friend. Her and some of her sisters are coming to our show on Friday and we're reserving tickets for them. She was just telling me how many they needed" she still had my phone and she was scrolling through the texts.

"Can I ask you when you met Lauren?"

"Umm well I technically met her at the teen choice awards but that was just for a picture. Really it was at radio Disney last Saturday."

She scoffed and said "well seems like you're getting pretty close pretty fast by the looks of these texts"

"So we get along really well is there a problem with that?"

"Yes the problem is you already have a girlfriend"

"That doesn't mean I can't have friends that are girls" I can't believe we were arguing about this. Especially on her first day back.

She stayed silent for a second. "Does she know about us?" 

"No" I answered

"Tell her"

"Through text? Isn't that a little awkward 'hey you probably don't know this but I have a girlfriend in case you were wondering' I mean how do you know she even likes me" but I actually did. I was Lauren's celebrity crush but whether ot not that actually meant anything that was a different story. But I still didn't tell Emma.

"Ok when are you gonna tell her?"

"Come to the concert on Friday and I'll introduce you guys and tell her."


"Are we good now?"

"Yeah ok I guess"

"Good now let's go watch that movie" I grabbed the popcorn and we went and sat on the couch in the living room.

A/N: hello friends. Chapter 8 everyone! hope you liked it, rate and comment what did you like what not?? add to your library so you know when the next Chapter will be up ;) we're @cimonym and @DauR5enCim in case you were wondering or had intention to follow us. lol.

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