Why Am I Going Through This Again

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You guys know the drill.

Tagged by: Abigail-Adams

Le questions:

1. Favorite color?

How do you people not know my favorite colors?!?!?

Black and Patrick Stump's blood red.

2. Crush

My couch, Netflix, any electronic device, my straightener...
The list goes on and on.

But don't tell them! It's a secret!!!!!!! 🔇

3. Enemies

Many people. Including the matching recliner to my couch. It's trying to steal the couch from me and I'm ready to put up a fight.
Fight me recliny. 1v1 m8


4. Pets?

Yes. My dog.
As you all may remember, I used to have a fish. His name was Bobinick. He has sadly departed from us.
R.I.P Bobinick. ☹️😰😭😷

The wake shall be held today. You may visit within the time span of throughout the day.
Please send your condolences if you are unable to attend.

5. Celebrity crush

Oh honey, I don't have "celebrity crushes" I have husbands. These puny "celebrity crushes" you speak of are not for me. I am married to over 20 famous and or amazing beautiful people I find on the interweb.

6. Book on wattpad you would like to see become more popular.

I can't choose one.
But here a few off the top of my head:

-How To Make Ppl In The Emo Trinity H8 Chu M8
By: iiEmoxDW (my BEF)
-Everyday Horrors
By: catbugislove (my bff, sister, mom, and WIFEY)
-The Best Day Ever
By: FairlyLocalKiljoy14 (one of my other BEFs)
-Universes Collide -A Phan Fic-
By: Alt-Fiction
-Dear Pete
By: Chemically_Yours

Check these books out. They're awesome! There's a lot of other books on here I would LOVE to see get more popular even if they have a lot of views!

7. Wattpad besties

Omg there are so many people on here that are like my bff's and or BEFs.

catbugislove also bff in real life.
@so many other people that I didn't name.

8. Favorite Song?

Is this even a question like what kind of question is this!?...

Obviously The Best Day Ever   
By: SpongeBob SquarePants

9. Interesting Fact

The smell of freshly cut grass is actually the scent that plants release when in distress.

Idek why I know this.

But basically grass is viciously screaming for help when the scent is really strong. We're plant murderers!!!!!!! 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌿🍃🍀☘🌲🌴🌳🌳🌳🌲🌴🎋🌴🍃🌴🍀🌻🌲

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