Fricking Hell... I Mean High Schøøl

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Hey Yøung Sinning Killjøys. Guess whø had their first day øf Hell Schøøl!

Nø nøt fricking Satan. It was me.

Anyway. Hell Schøøl is terrible.

Sø let's start frøm the beginning and gø døwn the list.

~I had tø get up a 5:00 a.m.
~I literally had tø ask every security guard høw tø get tø every class I had.
~I gøt løst 100,000,000 times.
~We had a Fire Drill in the fricking rain and I had straightened my hair that tøøk an høur tø dø.
~There was LITERALLY a traffic jam.
~I was pushed way tøø many times.
~We have 4 minutes tø find øur class and there are classes yøu have that are øn the cømpletely øpøsite side øf the building.
~I gøt hømewørk frøm my English teacher already.
~I knew like NØ øne in all øf my classes.
~I hate møst peøple.
~My lunch periød is 7th periød and there are 9 periøds in øne schøøl day.
~I HATE SCHØØL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sø that was my first day at Hell Schøøl. It was great! 👍


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