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imaginarynarry is the main reason I updated. Thank you for the votes and coments sugar! ♥♥ Made me feel like someone actually wants to read this story.

Harry's P.O.V

"Don't worry about it." He said. I could tell I shouldn't have asked that question by the tone of his voice.

"I'm sorry for asking I just wanted to kn-" he cut me off before I can finish.

"Why? Huh why do you wanna know?! So you can go out and tell the fucking cops!" He got up and screamed at me.

"N-no I wou-wouldnt d-do th-that." I hate that I was shaking but I couldn't help it. This guy is a bloody murderer and I got him angry. I could be dead any minute.

He gave a dark chuckle, "And what makes you think I believe that huh? I bet," he walked towards me slowly till he reached my bed. "I bet you're planning an escape right now in that pretty little head of yours." He reached his hand out and brushed my hair from my forehead. "I'm right aren't I?" He said softly

I couldn't speak. My mouth just wouldn't let any words out. This guy is seriously has some issues. One minute he yelling at me like he wants to kill me now and the next he's touching me as though I'm fragile and talks with the most sweetest voice. Which is the real him? I have no bloody clue. He kept running his fingers through my hair softly and I eventually got sleepy and fell asleep.

Niall's P.O.V

I watched his eyes slowly drop then open then drop again till he was sound asleep. This is just wrong. I can't keep doing this to this innocent person. The guilt is eating me alive. I carefully remove my hands from his hair and quietly step out his room. I'm tired myself so I take myself down to the couch and lay down closing me eyes

*few hours later*

The need to pee is what woke me up. I don't know where the bathroom is so I guess this is my time to give myself a tour around the house. First door I seen was a closet. Nothing important in it just the mop, broom some sheets and pillows on the top. The next door was upstairs and was a spare bedroom. It wasn't really a room, more like an office. There was a desk in the left corner with a laptop set on top. On the right was this bed like couch with some pillows thrown onto it. The door next to it was what I was looking for, the bathroom. I did my business and continued on with my tour. I can't help but feel like I'm being rude just looking through his house.

When I got to the next door, I heard sheets moving and little whimpers. I noticed that it was the room Harry was in and walked in. He was awake and his face and neck was burning red. When he looked up at me he looked relieved for some reason.

"Pl-please, I have t-to go use th-the b-bathroom."

"How long have you been waiting?" I ask while walking up to him and untying his feet first.

"About t-two hours." He managed to get out while I untied his hands.

"Shit Harry! Why didn't you yell or something?" I pull him into the bathroom and shut the door and lock it so if he tries to run, that'll slow him down. Curly turned to face me and just stared at me like he's waiting for something.

"C-can you go pl-please?"


"Bu-" I cut him off before he could finish.

"I'm not leaving you alone in here. I'm not that dumb so go ahead and do your business." His cheeks got red and he looked down, playing with his fingers. I walk closer to him as and caress his cheek. "Come on curly. Its not like I'm not gonna see it in the future." I winked just to play with him a little. He quickly turned around and pulled his pants down. I also turned around to give him some privacy.

When he was down he washed his hands and I brought him back to his room.

"Can y-you please leave me untied? I w-won't run! The ropes j-just hurt.." He looked like he was gonna cry if I put him back in the ropes.

"Okay but try anything and I won't hesitate to hurt you. Understand?" Curly nodded. "Understand?!"

He jumped when he heard me shout. "Y-es"

"There we go." I smiled at him. "Now get on the bed and don't move. Do you have some wood?"

"Y-yes, it's in the ga-garage." I pulled him up from the bed so he could lead me to it. We passed the living room and I saw cops driving around so I went and shut the curtains. Still gripping Curlys arm, we got to the garage and I grabbed some wood and had Curly carry the hammer and nails.

On our way back upstairs, I grabbed some water for Curly to drink. When we got upstairs, I put the wood down and gave him his water but when I turned, he had the hammer up trying to hit me but I grabbed him before he could.

"Nice try Curly." I whispered in his ear smirking.


Finally updated! So sorry for the wait ❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2019 ⏰

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