Ten Months

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Izaya's POV

Waking up to get ready for school, I prepare for the day ahead of me, all the while also trying to take care of my two sisters. I grab my neatly ironed Raira Uniform, put it on, and then head to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

After I finish, I go downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone at the house. I start to make pancakes and see both of my sisters, Kururi and Mairu, walk into the kitchen.

Both look pretty tired, but I'm pretty sure here in a few minutes they'll be full of energy. I finish making breakfast, and set it on the table where the girls are sitting. Right when I set the plates down, they instantly perk up, and begin to devour their food.

I eat as well, then afterwards the girls go get dressed for elementary school while I go make their lunches. When I'm done, I leave a small note on the table saying to be safe going to school, and leave the house to go to my school, excited to see my boyfriend.


I get to school Raira Academy, and see Shizu-chan waiting for me at the entrance. I run up to him, and then we both go inside together holding hands.

It's been about ten months since I told him I was in love with him in person, and believe it or not, we started dating. The whole secret admirer thing is finally over, and now I can have a good time without stressing over if Shizu-chan likes me or not.

We go to our shoe lockers for this year, and Shizu-chan's isn't beat up as much, but the school did have to replace the one he had last year. Our lockers are still close and we're in the same homeroom together again. This time Shinra and Dota-chin are with us to, so our small group is together.

I still hold on to Shizu-chan until I have to let go for class to start. Which isn't bad, becuase mine and Shizu-chan's desks are right beside each other.

After homeroom, I go with Shizu-chan to first period. Luckily we have seven class periods together so I get to be with him more.

I love to be with him, but I also try not to be too clingy, so I try really hard not to attach myself to him throughout the day.

I help Shizu-chan out with his science project, since I was already done with mine. He always says he's good, but in the end he needs my help.

I don't know what to do with him sometimes, but I do know that I will always love him.

Shizuo's POV

After first period, Izaya and I go to our next three classes. He holds onto me a lot like he doesn't want me to leave him, and it's really cute.

I'm so happy that I finally realized my feelings for him after so long. I'm not sure if Izaya agrees, most likely does, but ever since we got together I've had the best time of my life.

We go up to lunch to Shinra and Kadota in our usual spot from last year. I sit down, then Izaya sits on the ground between my legs and I wrap my arms around his waist.

I'm just going to guess that Shinra and Kadota are used to it now, since they no longer just stare at us for a few seconds before doing anything.

Izaya opens up our lunches while I talk to Shinra and Kadota with my head on his shoulder. We all eat and talk like usual, then after finishing our lunches, we just talk about whatever.

Sometimes some of our conversations go to mine and Izaya's relationship, then to Shinra's relationship with Celty. Kadota still hasn't met Celty yet, so every time Shinra says anything about her Kadota is always saying something around the lines of 'When am I ever going to meet her?'

When the bell rings for fifth period, we all walk together to our history class. Our seats are close to each other, so we get to talk a little before class starts.

The only class I'm not in with Izaya is in sixth, since he has to take gym and I don't. During that time I have to go to class support since my grades aren't the best in the world.

I've enjoyed my life, and my relationship, and I wouldn't change it for the world.


We all walk out of school together, and go our separate ways. Today, Izaya is coming to my house for awhile so him, Shinra, and I are headed in around the same direction.

After a bit of walking, Shinra asks us, "So what are you two going to do?"

"I'm going to go over to Shizu-chan's house and we're going to hang out." Izaya explains.

Shinra looks at us, speechless and then says, "Are you two ever going to go on a date? Seriously, every time I ask one of you about your plans you guys just say you're going to hang out at each others house!"

"Well, isn't that like a date?" I ask him. He shakes his head and starts to explain.

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