Cutters life

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As I sit in my room,

Wondering what I should do, 
I slowly take this knife, 
And try to form a better life.
The pain is released from my body by now,
I just can't help but to scream out loud.
Everything is erased, 
I know I can easily be replaced.
I'm stuck in this place, 
Against all human race,
Drinking away the pain,
It keeps me from going insane.
The dark is one place I don't fear,
Asking myself, when am I getting out of here?
These thoughts keep coming to my mind, 
Just wish I could find,
The truth that says it all.
I want to give up and just let everything fall.
The world as we know it is coming to an end.
I'm wondering if I should press, delete, or send?
Where were you when I needed you the most?
Why are you so scared of my ghost?
Trying to keep from falling apart, 
Stabbing me in the heart.
I know that my future isn't supposed to be here,
It's supposed to be in a grave that is very near.
I want to say goodbye to my family and friends, 
Just want to let you know that there are dead ends.
Whatever happens in the future,
I want you to know what I say is pure.
If there was one piece of advice I could give,
I would say just sit back and live how you want to live.
Now I think it's time for me to go, 
In hopes that this poem will bring you home.
Is this shit really true,
I don't know what else I can do.
I want to give you this rose, 
The end was so close,
But now it's so far away,
That is I'm done, I have no more to say.

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