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She took a deep breath,
She counted to three,
A picture in her head, 
Of who he needed her to be.

He needed her to be normal,
Happy and kind.
He never thought,
That this girl would be blind.

Not blind by the meaning,
But blind in the heart.
Blinded by darkness,
Blinded by dark.

She walks around lifeless,
Her heart beating but dead. 
Only looking up to see his face.
Only fighting to feeling his pain.

She hates her weakness,
She hates breathing,
A walking corpse.
She is lost inside her head.

His laugh forcing her to breathe,
A breath she wants to free.
His love is pure,
A love that she feared.

Things have no meaning, 
At least not anymore.
She was not how she was,
How she was once before,

He is one of the living,
She is one of the dead.
A part of her is missing,
She hangs on by a thread,

She hung her head low,
Took one final bow.
She stepped off the edge,
Saying one final vow,

"I'm sorry I can't
Change who I am.
As hard as any of you try,
This is me giving up,
This is one last goodbye."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2019 ⏰

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