Chapter 1

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Harry's POV:

"Errrrmm." I forcefully opened my eyes, damn how late did I stay up last night?

*flashback* Louis boomed as he slammed the front door to our apartment, tears pouring down his face. "Where have you been Lou?! I text you 12 times!"  He came up to me and grabbed the collar of my shirt and screamed in my face "WHY DO YOU CARE?!" I could just smell the alcohol lingering on his breath, "Have you been drinking?" "Yeah and whats it matter to you!!" I took a deep sigh, "Boobear it's 3 am... Why were you out so late?" I saw him begin to cry some more, "Sh-she dump-ed me..." "Eleanor?" He couldn't answer just the sound of her name caused him to collapse into my arms. "It's ok boo..." I ran my fingers through his already messed up hair as he sobbed into my chest, "I love you Hazza..." I felt so bad... I gently picked him up bridal style and carried him and gently placed him on my bed as I joined lying beside him, "You'll be ok Louis." right then his blue orbs looked into my green ones, "Harry, you're mine." I began to chuckle, "Ok Lou." he straightened his face into a angry look, "I'm serious." I stopped smiling and just cuddled up to him, "Alright, I don't mind." I felt his arms gently grab my waist and he kissed my forehead, "All mine," his drunken voice mumbled. I took one last glance at the clock before I fell asleep... 6:07 am the digital clock flashed. 

8 am? Damnit hardly any sleep!! I looked to my side to see Louis' arms clinged over my waist.  "Lou..." I whispered, his eyes squinted, "Lou! Wake up!" "Erm... No..." "No get up!!" "Why?!" "Because I am about to go make breakfast." He jumped up, "Ooo! What are you going to make then??" I smiled and ignored his question as I got out of bed and head to the bathroom to see how badly I looked, "My hair is a mess Lou!!" but I had no need to yell it to him because I looked towards the doorway and he was standing there smiling at me, "You're so cute, Hazza." but before I could say anything he came over to me and slapped my ass as he grabbed his comb and brushed his hair, I couldn't help it... I walked out and went and grabbed my phone, and text Eleanor, 

Harry: What happened with you and Louis?

Eleanor: He got a little tipsy and told me he was inlove with you :/ 

Harry: I have no idea why he is acting like this. Wanna come by and talk to him?

Eleanor: Yes, please. :)

Harry: Alright, come over now? Breakfast is on me. :) x

I threw on a tshirt and some sweats and jogged down the stairs and started breakfast as Lou plumped on the couch in the den. Right when I finished 9 pancakes I heard a sudden knock. A smile spread across my face, "I got it boobear!" I ran to the door and opened, "El!" I hugged her and kissed her cheek, "Come on in!" I let her in and she hugged me tight, "Harry thank you." She walked into the den and Louis' eyes filled with confusion, "Eleanor?" "Louis... I want to fix things." he got angry, "NO! I have Harry now!" He came over and grabbed my hand. "He's all mine." I looked at her proving I had no idea what he meant and she smiled, "Lets talk after breakfast..." 

After an intense breakfast they talked only to a make up and then shortly after a makeout session which lead behind his closed bedroom door. So I guess everything was just out of being drunk... I guess it was all a lie...

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