Chapter 2

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We have three more weeks off from work and the past two days Louis has been gone with Eleanor, that bitch. Wait? Bitch?! Why would I be jealous of Lou's happiness? I guess his drunken words just still have me a bit mixed up! Yeah, that's it! I jogged down the stairs to find Lou walking towards me with a smile, "Louis, your face is going to wrinkle if you keep smiling that hard," I chuckled. "Hazza!" He pouted, "I have great news!" he grabbed my arm and dragged me to the kitchen counter to see a letter, "READ IT!!" he began bouncing up and down giggling while I was reading, the letter was from Simon and management... one line caught me, "Also, Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles... The Larry Stylinson seems to be dragging large attention and we are getting tons of money off it, more than Elounor. Keep it up boys, make sure to cause extra PDA." I looked up to see the blushing and giggling boy, "This is what you are so happy about?" he began obsessingly nodding his head, "WE GET TO BE OURSELVES IN PUBLIC HAZZA!" He jumped on my back and licked my cheek and jumped off immediately and yelled back at me while dashing off, "You can't catch me!!" "Watch me!" I yelled back, but when I went to look for him... I realized I had no idea where he went. So I kind of just took a lucky guess and sneaked behind him behind the couch, I grabbed him around the waist and whispered softly into his ear, "Boo." Not only did I whisper but I kissed his ear? What is up with me?! We finally left that position and just sat behind the couch as I felt his eyes glue onto me, but I couldn't handle it, I had to run to the bathroom to be away from him...

Looking in the mirror I sighed deeply... "You're straight Harold Edward Styles!!" But I knew something was wrong! Why did I find my bestfriend attractive? "Harry?!" I heard his sweet voice ask outside the door, "Are you alright?" I began shaking and hesitated, "Yeah Loubear!" He didn't respond but it didn't matter, I knew he was gonna wait outside the door, I felt my phone vibrate, 

Loubear<3 : I hear you sobbing... open the door. :(

Me: No. I'm fine. 

Loubear<3 : I want to cuddle with you and make you happy. :( 

Me: Louis, go away. Go do something productive! 

Loubear<3 : No, I will wait on you. xx

I groaned, why is he so stubborn!? 

After hours I walked out to see Louis asleep on the floor... I couldn't leave him there! I carried him to his room and set him in his bed and went off to mine... wow. A day wasted from hiding away from Louis.

3 am I felt the house shake, thunderstorms. Louis hates storms... but right on cue I heard a screaming Louis. "Harry!!!!" Why does this boy get SO scared of storms? But instead of leaving bed I stayed in place because I remembered I'm completely naked under these sheets. Sorry, I tend to sleep nude. I was completely comfortable until a body quickly joined me, "Hazza," his whimpering voice cried out. I felt his arms stretching across me, "Louis... erm. Can I go get some clothing on?" "Wha-?" he then realized I was naked, "EW!" I began to chuckle as he sat up away from me. I grabbed some boxers and threw them on just in time for lightning to light up the room... the scared Louis continued his sobs and he layed beside me. I grabbed his body and brought him closer... his poor little body shuddering and shaking. But then one thing drew my attention, how blue his eyes were...

I guess I fell asleep but I woke up to see Louis in the same position, but hotter? I felt his cheeks and head, he was burning up! I gently shook him, "Wake up..." he woke up slowly and his eyes were bloodshot, "Am I dying?" he whispered.

"Am I dying?"


Within two hours... we were in the hospital... me, Liam, Niall and Zayn in the waiting room, Zayn silent, Niall shaking and crying, Liam hugging Niall and me in dead silence... Then Eleanor who sat beside me just drinking her starbucks and scrolling through twitter. A doctor walked towards us with a serious face, "You all here for Mr. Tomlinson?" "Yes." we echoed.

"We have some bad news about Mr. Tomlinson."

AN: I seriously have terrible writers block ): sorry I suck with this story so far I hope to start improving after this terrible writers block. Hey! You should go follow this awesome Instagram my friends have: omgonedirection_x and their twitters! NiallsPepperoni and LoveLarry4evax thanks you all. I love you so much. xxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2013 ⏰

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