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I woke up to see Hayes sleeping next to me and i checked my phone. It was 5:34
Ughhh why do i always have the luck to wake up so early i said sarcastically. I got up drowsily and walked to the bathroom. I turned on the warm shower and let my thoughts drain away like the water flowing down the drain and i just relaxed. I got out of the shower and dried myself and saw Hayes standing at the door watching me and smirking. Hayes i said in frustration get out i have to do my hair and stuff. But babe im hungry he said coming closer to me. He then grabbed my neck and kissed me. Our lips moved in synk it was amazing. U till we heard the door slam and voices....
    I walked into hayes and claires apartment/penthouse and hoping Claire was alone i stepped into her room. I was suprised to see Hayes holding onto her while she was looking scared. Whats wrong i said. Dude get out he said calmly. Why im not gunna hurt anyone i said. JUST GET OUT  claire screamed at me. My heart was broken into a million pieces and anger rushed into its cracks and rebuilt it. You hoe i said and walked out and screamed back at them you were only my side chick Claire. You are a hoe dont be afraid to admit it. I turned around and saw nash staring at me with his mouth dropped open. with a girl under his arm.....
Nella and I stepped out of the elevator and heard yelling. Which was not good ididnt want my boo to get hurt. Just before we went to turn around we saw where the yelling was coming from. I was so suprised that he would do and say such things. Mabey my bro is a little more different than i thought.. Nella and i stood there with our mouths open and i said Cameron dont talk to me dont phone me and dont even come near me....
     Is that what Cameron really thought of me most importantly is this what hayes thought of me.. I looked over at Hayes who was just as suprised and upset as i was. How dare he say that Hayes said you dont deserve this. Yes i do hayes i replied. What do you mean he said. I mean that i am one. He looked at me shocked and asked why... Because hayes i came back to you. But i hit you with my best shot this shouldve never happend. Im sorry Hayes but i can't do this anymore. I ran out the door and drove to my studio....
Graysons POV
    My brother and i drove towards the red subaru and it stopped at a recording studio. Well guess its not nates car after all i said to ethan. Nope but it is a pretty ladies car ethan said as a beautiful girl climbed out of the car with tears streaming down her face. I dont. Know whats wrong but i wanna find out i said to ethan and his girlfriend maria. Whatever you say bro go get her. I hopped out of the car and went after the sad beautiful girl. I followed her into te recording studio and saw who she was. It was Claire....
   Did Claire just end it with me... Im gonna end it all i said aloud. I took a blade and sat down in the bath tub. I cut my wrist my legs my face everything. I loved Claire but she hit me with her best shot. Yes she did she hit me with a gun shot to my heart. Lastly i took a rope and pen and wrote on my now blood dripping arms
Dear Claire,
   I love u always know that NEVER take yourself for granted like i did. Forget about me. Live your life persue your passion for singing. But always remeber I love you... Goodbye....
I hung the rope on the celing fan and tied it around my neck. All that was left to do was jump. I looked up at the now dark and starry night and rememberd Claire and my first date. The tide rolling in her looking at my face with those blue green shining eyes. Wait i couldent so this. She would kill herself to she does love me. I took the rooe down and cleaned up my cuts and drove to claires recording studio. When I got there i saw two cars there a black range rover which was Camerons and a red subaru which was Claires then i noticed a red toyota in the corner of the lot. What was going on here i thought. That when  i saw him holding a gun pointing it at Claire and another guy i think he was grayson dolan. CAMERON FUCKING DALLAS PUT DOWN THE GUN U MOTHER FUCKER. He turned around and when he saw me he shot Claire... No i screamed and fell to the floor

He hit me with his best shotWhere stories live. Discover now