Free Rein

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"Jesus you nearly gave me a heart attack" Eren took a step back and placed a hand on his chest, "Good lord."

"Shitty-glasses what the fuck are you doing?" Levi glared at her and stood between her and Eren.

"Introducing myself, " She said, matter-of-fact-ily. She gestured towards the tall blonde male behind her. "And Eren, this is Erwin."

"Nice to meet you Eren, I'm sorry if Hange causes you trouble." He shook Eren's hand and smiled. "She does for us."

"Aw, Erwin you, meanie," She stuck out her tongue at Erwin before turning back around to face Eren, "So, give me the gossip, have you done it yet?"

"D-done what exactly," He frowned slightly and glanced at her, then Levi, then back to her.

"Sex of course!" Hange squealed, clapping her hands, "You're a couple, aren't you? Tell me all about it! Is Levi good? Wait, who tops? Is Levi decent in the... size department?"

Eren felt his face burn up as he stuttered, "I- we- Levi?"

"Hange I will decapitate you if you don't shut the fuck up." Levi fumed before flicking her ear.

"Ouch you lil' runt c'mon just tell me."




As the two bickered, Erwin looked over at Eren and patted the brunette on the back. "Again, sorry about her, she's mental."

"It's ok I guess, once she's not like this around my mom, she doesn't even know if I've ever kissed anyone let alone lost my virginity." He blushed at the thought and glanced at the two, " I"m glad she said it out here instead of at home where my mom could hear."

"Now that would have been a problem."

Hange crossed her arms, obviously frustrated at something to do with her and Levi's argument, and turned to face them. "C'mon lets get to this rendezvous."

The four started walking over to Eren's house where they could see some form of movement manifesting itself inside. However, as they drew near, all movement ceased and left them wondering what was gong on.

Eren reached for the door but before he could lay a hand on it, it was flung open by someone inside and-


Carla was at the door with Mikasa, Armin standing behind her. "Hey, Eren!" Mikasa slipped past Carla and wrapped her arms around Eren in a tight hug. "I hope you're feeling better."

"I'm fine Mikasa."

She unraveled her arms from around him and glanced at Levi, "Did you take proper care of him? Was he eating enough?"

"As he said, he's fine. Don't worry so much Mika." Levi smirked as she frowned at the nickname but she didn't say anything else after that.

"Come on everybody! Let's get you all inside and have some food!" Carla practically skipped into the kitchen and spread her arms wide in a sort of 'ta-dah' gesture at the mountain of food and drinks spread across the table. "I'll leave you guys to enjoy the food, I need to pop out for a bit."

She turned to Eren and gave him a hug. "I'll be back in the morning ok? Work called me in and I will have to stay in the office till late so I'll stay overnight in a hostel or something in the city. I don't mind if your friends spend the night once you don't break anything and you have it clean before I get home."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2016 ⏰

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