A Better Family

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A thousand reads?! Thank you so much! I always love when one of my books reaches that point ☺️

This chapter will mostly be focused on Ricardo though :)

It Was a Cool crisp Evening as Ricardo sat in a tree; all by himself. The wind lightly blew through his hair as the sun shined mildly on his tan-ish skin.

He couldn't help but think about Trevor. And his relationship with his dad. It didn't take him long to figure out how long they had been gone; away from their families.

But it didn't take long for them to re kindle their relationship that they had as father and son. Where on the other hand he had nobody to come back to after he had escaped. That officers words were still fresh in his memory and had never disappeared.


"I don't know how else to put this so I won't sugar coat it. We tried every tactic and resource we had, to try and track down your mother and your aunt and we got nothing back. No phone number, nothing, no trace of em'. We also tried to find out if you had any other relatives in the U.S and found nothing. So the only option left might be a foster home"

End of flashback

Just remembering it gave him a nightmare, and sent shivers down his spine. Imagining not being able to be with Trevor, his best friend, the one that helped him get through everything, was scary enough on its own. But just thinking of the fact that he had none of his family made him feel alone, like he was the only one left.

Meanwhile the Sun had started to go down, goose bumps covered his skin since the only source of warmth had left. So He curled up into a tight ball trying to keep warm.

On the other hand Blake was frantically searching around the house for the missing boy. They had all come in for dinner except Ricardo. What made Gwen anxious though was that the sun was going Down and it would get dark soon. Blake heavily sighed; not sure what else to do. He asked the boys countless questions of where they last saw him and if they knew where he went or might be. Then as a last resort he pulled out his phone ready to call the sheriff. But just as he was about to he furrowed his eyebrows staring at the tree outside. Pretty sure he saw something move he went up to the window; slowly lowering the phone from his ear.

"What? What do you see?" Gwen and the boys wanted to know

Why would something just move in the tree like that? It can't be a bird..

Blake wondered.


He shoved his phone back In his pocket and told the others to wait inside. He went out and walked over to the tree.

"Ricardo??" He called

He jumped at the sudden call of his name. He knew it was Blake but didn't respond.

What if he's mad at me? What if I get a punishment for "hiding" like this and not telling them?

He worried.

"If you're up there..please come down" he kindly asked

After a couple minutes of silence Blake sighed then started climbing up. Once he saw him he smirked.

"I knew you were up here"

He got spooked losing his balance off the branch; Almost falling off. But Blake caught him; pushing him back up on the branch. He hoisted himself up and sat next to him; making himself comfortable.

Forever More (Blake Shelton FanFiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang