Going Back

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Cliff hanger Alert 😏


When we got out dad grabbed the cooler ; locked the truck and followed us.

"How far out is it?" He asked

"Ten miles.." I huffed, walking behind Evan

30 Minutes Pass

"Aye man slow down" we were trying to keep up with Evan

My eyes went big when I realized something.

"Evan! Evan!"

"What??" He almost snapped ; spinning around

"Hey chill.."

"Sorry" he mumbled "what is it?"

I gulped "the clown costumes gone"


"Yeah..look" I pointed to the tree

"Oh my god" he covered his mouth

"What clown costume?" Dad furrowed his eyebrows

"When we left yesterday..there was a clown costume hanging there.." I pointed to the tree

"Are you sure it wasn't a different tree?"

"Uh with the creepy clowns that tried to kill us, it makes perfect sense" I started walking again.

"It's right this way" Evan replied as we made our way up the dirt path

"Oh wow" dad seemed a bit surprised

It was still untouched the way we left it, I stepped up first; walking inside. Evan and dad followed except dad had to stoop so he wouldn't hit his head. Even I felt taller since we were here last.

"Why don't you give him the official tour" I replied

Evan looked around then back at us "here it is" he opened his arms then dropped them.

Dad laughed "this is where y'all stayed?"

"Awh haw" Evan nodded

"Where did you sleep?" He asked

"Here on the couch" he patted it

"And there's another room down the hall" I replied, gesturing to it, I still thought it was super funny that he had to hunch over to fit in here.

"This is where we slept" I sat on the bed

"Hey whose clothes are these?" He asked

"My dads.." Evan quietly said

"Y'all just left em' here?"

We nodded. "They saved our lives" Evan added

"How?" He looked at Evan; sitting on the right bed side.

"We were hiding under the bed and when the clowns saw those they got terrified and thought they walked into a murder scene" he lightly chuckled. Dad did the same.

"Where did he pass.." He softly asked

Evan gulped "where you're sitting"

His eyes widened "oh my gawd for real?, why aren't there any blood stains then" he looked back at us

"We changed them" I filled him in

But he looked a bit disgusted "and y'all were okay with sleepin' in here?"

"It was his idea" Evan pointed at me

"Hey for the record we were tired okay?" I dropped down on the plush bed on my back

"Well..where's that food you were tellin' me about?" Dad asked; switching the topic

"Over here come on" he waved for him to come over

He then got up and left me.


I got up and walked into the kitchen area grabbing a plastic bag and sticking the chunks of jerky in it. I stood deep in thought while I munched on one.

There's gotta be more than what we took..

I finished gathering the few things in the kitchen and set it on the little table by the door then started looking under little spaces to see if anything was left behind.

Under the couch: nope

In-between the couch cushions: nope

I moved into the bedroom and got onto my hands an knees searching under the bed. I squinted my eyes when I saw a green box sitting all the way up against the wall in the back.

What the heck

Ugg why do you have to be so far away..

I went to the other side of the bed and shoved my hand under, grudging to get a grip on it. Except my finger tips barely touched it.

Ugg..I still feel scrawny 

I wiggled half my body under and grudged getting a grip on it; pulling it out with me.

I don't know why I didn't feel this when we were under here

Probably too much terror

Eww it's all dusty

I brushed the dust off with my hand but didn't know what to do with it so I wiped it on the bed. It wasn't locked or anything so I just un-latched the latches. But My eyes went big when I saw what was Inside.


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