Child Kinapper

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(If u know who this is..I guess you watch anime.. ALL WELL LETS JUST GET INTO THE STORY!) :P
*as the sky gang follow the path they find an iron door*
Ross: How we get in?
Jin: No don't we can make a wooden button!
Sky: But breaking it down is easier
Ross: Yah it's easier
Jin: *sigh* Just make a wooden button!
Aph: I'll make it
Jin: Thanks Jess
*as Jess makes the wooden button they open the and gets in*
Barney: Its Prettys darks in Heres
Max: I could barely see *hits a wall*
*then lights turn on*
Malachi: Help!
Levin: MOMMY!
Aph: Malachi!Levin?!
Jin: Where are they?!
???: There right here *gives an evil grin*
Ross: Hey what's your name!
???:Heh..Names Karma
(I didn't know who was gunno be the kinapper then while I was watching Assassstion Classroom I Picked Karma..)
Ross: Pffft!! KARMA?!
Sky: What the heck is that kinda name?!
Karma: Don't make fun of my name or else
Sky: Haha Or else what..Karma
Ross: LOL
Aph: Where's My KIDS?!
Karma: Some where
Jin: Just give the kids back and we won't start a fight
Karma: *laugh* Wow u think I'm going to give the kids back so easily?!
Ross: Ye
Jess: Draws sword at Karma
Karma: *laughs* I'm an assassin
Ross: Assassin?
Max: Well he does look like one..
Barney: Thats Trues
Sky: Ross come we going to sneak away and get the kids
Ross: *nods* Ye lets go
*ross and Sky goes to find the kids*
Malachi: Mister Sky! mister Woss!
Sky: Shh...
Levin: Hwelp Us!
Ross: Don't worry But keep your voices low!
Malachi: Okay..
*Sky unlocks the Cells*
Sky: Let's go
*ross and Sky goes back with the kids and they sees karma In the floor in pain*
Ross: You Killed Him?!
Jin: Ross we had to..
Ross: Lol Karma
Malachi: Mom!
Levin: mommy!
Aph: KIDS!
Karma(Dying): Rememeber these Words..Their Furture is In Danger
Aph: That's not true!
Ross: Guys lets go!
*they walk all the way home*
Garroth: Lord Aphmau!!Malachi Levin!
Aph: Garroth!! we found the kids!
Garroth: Good But I have some news....

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