Sky Ross and Jin GONE!?

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Ross: what do u to my friends!?

Sasha: let's just say their in a "safe" place with my other "friend"

Ross: Wha?  Just TELL me where they are!?

Sasha: nope! No can do..

Ross: What!?

Sasha: Hey Ross ya should look behind you

Ross: Huh?

*he turned around*


Everything went black....

Sasha: Nice work Michi

Michi: Thanks Sasha! Nya~

Sasha: so what should we do?

Michi: Turn them into cats! Nya~

Sasha: Hm...

It turned midnight

Max: hey where's Sky Jin and Ross? They should have been back here!

Jess: yeah it's Midnight!!!

Barney: maybes theirs ins A problems!

Max: Let's go search for them! 

Barney: Yeahs!

Jess: yeah let's spread out and if we can't look for no one... meet back here.. ok guys?

Max: mhm

Barney: 👌🏻

*they all spread out*

Sky: *groans* UGHH my head

Ross: Ugh...

Jin: what happen?..

Sky: All I remember was being hit a thingy

Ross: wait! SASHA!

Sky: Wait so Sasha and Michi did this to us!?

Jin: where are we anyways!?

Ross: in a dark room •_•

Sky: No duh Jin! I though you where the smart one!?

Jin: Hey! It's dark and u could barely see!

*they started walking and hit walls*

Jin: this room is so small!

Sky: we could barely walk!

Ross: Ye!!!

Michi: Sasha Why can't I TURN THEM INTO CATS!? Nya!!~

Sasha: because... wait... 1 , 2 , 3... that means 2 more are out there some where...

Michi: I bet they are awaken by now

Sasha: yeah let's go check...

*sasha and Michi went to where Sky Ross and Jin are*

Ross: Imma die of bored  dom guys! *gasp* WHAT IF TEHY ARE DOING THIS TO US!!


Jin: -_- Idiots

Sky and Ross: Nerd!

*as the light turns on... (OH MEH GURD THEIR IN A PLACE! But in a. Box .. sad... )they saw Michi and Sasha*

Sky: whoa we're in a house!?

Sky and the gang goes to McdWhere stories live. Discover now