we meet again.....

823 27 53

*They opened the door and saw the The Guards and everyone else tied up...*

Jess: GUYS!!!

*jess ran over to Them*

Jin: Jess! Be careful!! They can be booby traps!!!

Ross: hahah he said traps

Sky: hahahahah ikr!? TRAPS!!! HAHAHA

Jess: Ugh I know Jin! Your like that over protective dad!

Jin: what!? I am not!

Max: Uh Huh... remember that one time Ross was talking is cousin!

Flash back:

Ross: it's been so long since I last saw you!

(No its not Shelby)

Cousin (girl) : HEH! I know right Ross?

*Jin runs to Ross*


Ross: JIN!! She's my COUSIN!'

Jin: oh.... well carry on!

End of flashback

Jin; WHAT!? I thought it was a another girl!

*jess untie all of her guard and villagers*

Garroth: Aphmau! Go don't untie all of us!!

Katelyn: They are just using us as a distraction!!

Ross: wow... so

Sky: cliché

Barney: yeahs!!

Garroth: JUST GO!!!

Lauarnce: yeah! Go while you can!! Don't go to us!!

*but it was to late!!! It got all dark

Sky: hey who turn off the dangit lights!?

Ross: where their even lights?

Well... look who came..

Ross: no duh! Ya think there's gonna be a pizza guy?

Sky: yeah!? Where ya!? If so.... I call first dibs..

Max: SKY!!!

Sky: I didn't say anything!! But really...I call first dibs

Zane: NO! We didn't call a pizza guy!! How dumb can you guys be!?!

Sky: Umm... Jin you can answer that question right?.,,

Touka: Ughhhh -_-

Ross: Hey  Purple hair person

Sky: and his name was......

Ross: To Ca?



Zane: *sighs* Thank you -.-

Jess: Let my people go!

Touka: no... unless you know what's our deal...

Jess: well what is it!?

Zane: you... die


Ross: cancel the deal!! We can GET YOUR PEOPLE BACK IN ANOTHER PLAN!!!!

Max : Jess don't do this deal! It's not worth it!

Barney: JETS! Donts dos this! We' cans makes differents plans!!

Jin: Jess don't do it! Please!!

Touka: or.. they tell the truth...

Zane: yeah... unless they tell it... it den pends on your life... Aphmau or... Jess..

Jess: guys tell them what!?

Sky: Uh... I Um...

Jin: Guys come here!

*they all Group a circle well no Jess in it*

Sky: what do we do!?

Barney: theys knows abouts ours Lifes..

Lauarnce: Guys! Do it for Aphmau!!!

Everyone ( not Jess or Sky gang): FOR APHMAU!!!!!!

Sky: guys what are we gonna do!?

Jin: I- I do-don't know

Max: do we do it?

Barney: Yes!? No!? UGHHS!! Guys..

Ross: Sky and I have a plan

Sky: oh yeah we do!

Max: which is!?

Sky: watch and learn pretty boy

Ross: Guys cover your eyes

Sky: and knock out Jess Villagers!

Barney: 👌🏻

Max: wait what!?

Jin: let's trust them guys.. for the greater good

Max; *sighs* Fine...

Ross: and Knock out Jess to

Jin: Mhm...

*they knock out Jess and her guards and people..*

Sky: Ready Ross?

Ross: Yep...

*they turned into their real forms and used their knocked out and erase memory magic... but Zane threw a potion....and the potion was swapping bodies....*

They all switch bodies...

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