Chapter 4

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3rd person pov

"Hey Bee? Could you finish the story please?" Raf asks they drive back towards the base. Bumblebee laughs.
"Of course Raf. It feels kind of good to talk to someone about it. I've never liked telling people about my past but talking to you about it actually kind of helps." The yellow Camaro says. The little boy fist pumps slightly, eager to hear the rest of the story.

Bumblebee's pov 

3 days later

3 days. It's been 3 days and let's take a guess at what happened. Let's see, I'm laying here, covered in energon, scratches, dents and probably some internal wounds that I can't see but I'm pretty sure I can feel them. It hurts. This is from the past 2 days. I wonder what's going to happen today. Maybe an energon prod? Frag my life right now. I mean, I can hardly move! Suddenly a set of very heavy pede steps approach my cell. I guess we're about to find out if I was right. Megatron appears in front of me after a minute of listening this steps.
"Oh what a lovely surprise. King con has finally decided to mech up and come do something to me himself. That probably took a lot of courage, didn't it?" I ask. He snarls. So this might not be the best plan but at the moment I couldn't care less.
"You know, I just realized something. I shouldn't call you king con. Because I found a name that suits you much better. Buckethead." I mock him. I know, I know I'm pushing the limit here but I can't help it. I get nervous or angry and I kind of just say whatever pops into my helm. I just hope I don't die because of it. I look at Megatron. He looks at me. Only the expression on his face as he looks at me is a very twisted and creepy evil grin. But I can tell he's not smiling at my joke so... I'm screwed? He steps forward and grabs the back of my neck cables and stands me up. He must know where to put pressure while holding a bot like this because it fragging hurts. Either that or he just has a really strong grip.
"Now, I have a few simple questions for you to answer that will determine whether or not you leave this base alive. Does that sound too difficult for you?" He asks. I roll my optics.
"That'll depend on what the questions are." I say. He does that really creepy evil grin again and moves his servos to the front of my neck cables now. I can feel my pedes leave the ground and suddenly it becomes harder to breathe. Great I'm being chocked.
"I'll ask nicely the first time. Where is the Autobot base and what will be your next move?" He asks me. I smirk.
"As if I'd ever answer to the likes of you." I say as I spit in his face. He growls and tightens his grip.
"I'll give you one more chance to answer the question." He says. I just glare at him. He's squeezing me to hard. I can't talk. I start gasping for air and I can feel my vents burning. I struggle against his grip but he can tell that I'm struggling to breathe so he tightens his grip even more.
"You know, you've been a dagger in my side for far too long bug. Don't worry I knew who you were when I took you as a prisoner. You're the Autobot scout. I've seen you in battle before and I've caught you on camera before sneaking around my bases collecting information. Unfortunately whenever I see those clips, it's always been at least an hour after you left because my stupid guards don't pay attention. But now I have you. Though I've seen how loyal you are to your cause. I knew this would be a long shot trying to get information from you but I thought that maybe you'd be scared of me. Apparently not. But now that I think about it, either way, I'll win today. Because I'll either get the information I want from you, or you'll die and I won't have to worry about you anymore. So, I'll give you one more chance to answer my questions. Now." He says. I manage to get enough air to speak again.
"Megatron I'd rather die then help you. At least I wouldn't have to look at your face ever again. Even if I did tell you the answers I know you wouldn't let me live or escape. And if you did you'd just attack us and I could end up in the explosion anyways so at this point, I think I'll die by myself, instead of dying alongside a bunch of bots who just want to peacefully live their lives." He growls and his grip tightens so much I feel like I might pass out. He raises his arm to deliver the killing blow and pauses for a moment.
"There are worse things than death you know." He says with a smirk. And instead of killing me, I feel him ripping through my neck cables. Then, a searing white hot pain can be felt as he rips something from my throat. He removes his servo from my neck and it's covered in energon. In fact, I can feel energon dripping down, no, running down my throat, and I can taste it as I cough some up. I've never felt any pain like this before and the first time in a very long time, I think if I don't pass out from the loss of too much energon, I will start crying. I look to Megatron's servo and in it is a small object. He looks at it, then at me.
"I decided that you don't need a voice anymore. It's being wasted on you if you can't use it properly." He says and the whole time, I see this spark in his optics this little, gleam. It's a gleam of pure evil, hatred and mock. He then crushes what I can only assume is my voice box into a fine little powder and he drops me to the ground. I can feel myself fading quickly and my spark rate is beginning to slow. My breath is quick and bouncy as I try so hard not to start crying from the pain. As darkness surrounds me, I hear one more thing. Megatron is talking to one of his goons.
"Take this useless little glitch out of my sight. I don't ever want to see him again." And with that, I fall into darkness.

I can see a bright light in my face as my optics open to the sound of a spark machine. I look around, unsure of where I am or what happened. Suddenly the door opens and my breath hitches. But it's not who I thought it was. I look at the orange and white bot who just walked in. I must have looked scared and suspicious because he immediately breaks out into a smile and walks towards me. But it's not one of those scary smiles the cons have its a friendly smile.
"You're awake. Good I was worried you might never wake." He says. I look around, confused. How did I get here? He must've noticed my confusion and answered my unsaid question.
"An Autobot unit found you just outside of Tyger Pax. You still had a life signal so the rushed you back here where I could fix you up. You have quite the injuries and honestly you're lucky to be alive still. Do you remember what happened?" I think for a moment and suddenly it all comes rushing back to me. Megatron, my voice, the questions. I can't speak. Oh my Primus I. Can't. Speak. I can feel my optics watering up with washer fluid as I try desperately to forget what happened. But I know that that'll never happen. The doctor seemed to notice my reaction and he sighs. He sits down next to me on the berth and asks
"Can you explain to me what happened?" He asks. Okay, emotion overload. I just silently break down at that question because I know I can't. I can't even make any noise as I cry. So I just lay there, letting my tears fall because I can't do anything else. I feel so useless right now! The doctor gives me a worried look. He decides to scan me and when he gets to my throat he gasps.
"Oh dear..." He mumbles. So he's noticed. That's good, I think. He sighs and closes his optics. He hands me a data pad. I just look at it in confusion.
"Type your designation." He says. I nod and type Bumblebee. He looks at and nods. Then it seemed like something in his processor clicked.
"Wait, Bumblebee?" He asks. I nod slowly, slightly confused that he's acting this way.
"My designation is Ratchet. Do you not remember me?" He asks. I study his faceplate for a moment before I realize what he's talking about. When the war first started, him, Optimus and Jazz rescued me from my house. I was locked in our basement, half dead because of Lockdown, my old care taker (want more info read my book Reunited). Suddenly I'm not feeling as scrappy and I shoot up and hug him. My Primus I missed him. We sit there hugging for a few minutes and when I finally let go he just looks at me.
"Bumblebee I'm so sorry that this happened to you. I'm able to fix the wound and replace your voice with something else but I don't know how well it will work..." He says. I just nod. If I can communicate, I will attempt it. A few hours later, I have a replacement voice.
"Well, try it out." Ratchet says. I nod,
"Um, what exactly do I say?" I ask and realize that I'm now beeping to communicate. He understands me still. I take my mouth guard and flip it over my mouth because it probably looks weird for me to be beeping but still making the mouth movements for normal words. I smile at Ratchet.
"Thank you so much. You really are the best medic in existence." I say to him. After I'm recovered I'm offered a spot in Optimus Prime's unit and I officially become a part of team Prime. Sweet.

End of memory
3rd person pov

"Then we cam to earth, and I found you one of the best things that's ever happened to me." Bumblebee finishes as they pull into the base. Raf just looks absolutely stunned.
"Woah. That was intense Bee. You were so brave! I'm glad to call you my guardian." He says. Bumblebee laughs as he transforms.
"And I'm glad to call you my charge." He says. That night, the two had the most peaceful sleeps either had had in a long time.


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