Chapter 8

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Pink Lady
Chapter EIGHT: Confessions


Nate smiled at me and I couldn't help but to feel so torn. Everybody gathered in my trailer to hang out in cause for a celebration. I rather be wallowing up in my depression than to throw my hands in the air and cheer that Nate was going to be gone for a couple of days. I can recall, exactly, when his manager called him right after the Ellen Show. We were still hanging around with the audience when he got pulled aside. I tried not to watch him like a hawk but I couldn't help it. I wasn't sure if it was my cold because I got a bad feeling.

When he finally came around he looked beyond excited. It only fueled my curiosity because he never said a word until we were tuck away in our dressing rooms.

"Connect Three will in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!" He announced. Of course he would be excited. He's a singer. Nate loves to perform and since they canceled their summer tour he missed out on a life on the road. It had been ages since Nate performed with his brothers.

Fast forward to a week later and here we were (cold not included). The whole day everybody's been smothering Nate with 'goodbyes' and 'I'll miss yous'. I don't think anybody will miss him as much as I will. He was still here and I'm already missing him. Which is why there was a small get-together in my trailer, because none of us could get enough of Nate. And to think that we're still going to have a farewell party after filming, geeze. I'm sure by tomorrow Nate will be glad he left after all the attention he's getting. Then again, he's always getting attention.

"Hey!" Marcie yelled out to get everybody's undivided attention, "Guys what kind of party games are we going to play? I need ideas."

Marcie had taken up the task to organize Nate's big farewell bash.

"Hide and seek?" Emma said unsure. Max and Mike laughed but Jennie was quick to glare at them. They instantly ceased their laughter.

"I think it's a great idea," Louisa encouraged, "What do you think Nate?"

"I dig it. How about truth or dare?" Nate suggested.

"No. That game sucks." Max whined, "Everybody is too chicken to pick a dare and settle for a lame question. Where's the fun in that?"

"Also some of the dare's are completely stupid." James added.

"Okay, gosh. I'll rule it out." Marcie interrupted before anymore comments were made.

"Nothing too physical. Like tag or something." Emma shrugged.

Mike laughed again, "Tag? Two things. ONE, we're not playing little kid games for our big mans party. TWO, what's wrong with something physical?"

Emma crossed her arms, "You all agreed on hide and seek. Do you want me to suggest Duck, duck, goose so you don't have to, Mike?"

"Ems, why don't you suggest yourself-"

"Guys, don't argue." I rubbed my temples, "Why don't we just ask Nate what he wants to do?"

Nine heads turned to Nate who looked surprised.

"Me? I don't care what we do." He nervously chuckled, "I'm up for anything Marce comes up with."

"Great!" Marcie said and gave a smug smile to the guys.

"Perfect." Max responded, "We're going to be stuck painting our toenails and doing each others hair, Nate."

"Max if you really wanted to do that you should have said that in the first place!" Marcie glared at him.

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