Chapter 5:The Big Storm

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Gally's POV

I wake up to see Thomas still asleep next to me. Then all of a sudden i hear,"Help someone!". It sounded like Zart. I ran out the shack and see Zart being strangled by Ben from the pit gate. I ran over to him and started pulling as hard as I can. Ben finally let go and started saying weird stuff like," you guys will die in days they are coming". I try to ignore what he's saying and act like hes crazy. Well he is crazy cause he got stung.

I help take Zart to the Med-Jacks to wipe off some of the blood on his neck. I look over where Thomas's bed is.He was standing on his 2 feet and he ran toward me and i did as well. He fell over and i caught him in a hug." My leg is still in a bit of pain" he said. I look at his leg and tell him" Rest a bit longer" as i lay him gently on the bed. I leave and get back to work as the keeper of the builders.

I constantly keep checking up on Thomas and finally his leg felt better. I hold his hand as we both walk toward a log and sat him down. I grab him a drink." Thank you Gally..... Aaaa..... Omg what is that" said Thomas as he spits out the liquid. I looked at him with a frown and said" its my ingredients". Thomas gave me a horrified look and apologies. I forgave him.

A few mins later all the gladers went over to get Ben out the pit for his Banishing. I ran over to them, as i'm running i look up to see the sky is full of really dark clouds. As Minho ties Bens hands behind his head......BOOOMMM

Lighting strikes next to the gladers making everyone freak out,even causing some to run away. Ben was out of Minho's grasp and punches Minho in the stomach then head butting him. Knocking out Minho, Alby shouted "get him". I started running toward Ben as he runs toward me. I jump on top of him and I try pushing him to the ground but he managed to trip me, then he counties to run in Thomas's direction." THOMAS RUN" I yelled.

Thomas POV

Gally yelled for me to run. I get up and limp my way back to the shack as fast as i could limp. I look back and see Gally running right behind Ben. But Ben doesn't stop running. Even as i open the door and slap it behind me. Putting my back to the door holding it as Ben try's banging the door over. Gally catches Ben and other Gladers help tie Ben to a chair as the storm rolls by. The Gladers banished Ben into the Maze. I was relived to see him gone. I never knew the guy, plus he tried killing me so...

The Next Day

Gally's POV

That evening before the doors closed,we had a celebration. I was wrestling some of the gladers,taking all them down with no problems. I try looking around for Thomas i then spot him following Newt entering the Town hall. I follow right behind them. I peek to see through the crack, and i saw  Newt way to close to Thomas. Then I hear Thomas saying," you really giving it to me"
Newt replied saying," yea cause i like you buddy" " Aw thanks Newt" Thomas said. I was full of rage and entered. I looked straight at Newt and picked him up by his throat.

"Im gonna kill you Newt!" I shout. Thomas jumps on my back and tells me to "stop". I continue to choke Newt. Thomas says" what the hell is wrong with you Gally" " Im not gonna let Newt take you away from me with a gift!" I reply." But Gally he gave me this caus- " Aa!!! I slap Thomas in the face with rage and i released Newt. I look down at the gift to see it says For Gally.My eyes widened, I see Thomas drop a few tears from his eyes as he ran out the Town Hall. I ran after him. Newt followed me as well.

Thomas was sprinting toward the Maze. I yelled" No Thomas don't". He didn't stop running. The doors started to slowly close and Thomas still doesn't stop running. I start crying as I continue to catch him. He ran in the maze. I dropped to my knees with hopelessness. But Newt passes me and continues to run after Thomas. I get up and follow Newt into the Maze. I squeeze in and make it at the last 3 seconds...... " I can't believe I'm in here"I said to myself.

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