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A/N: this story will be from your point of view, but if it says "k.n.j" then it means it's Namjoon's or author's point of view, just more focused on Namjoon.


I saw him again. Of course, you see him pabo. I stalk him. Well follow? Hm. How do you put this into a more decent and less stalk-ish way? Can I? Well fine. I do stalk him.

But I can't help it! we go to the same school and sometimes have the same lessons, which means we'll be walking in the same direction. If not then, I make sure we walk in the same direction.

But, it's just that.. I've liked him since I first laid eyes on him. I fell for his silver hair, thick lips, his more slanted eyes, the way he gazes up the sky, the way his lips slightly gapes open when he's spaced out or staring at the sky, the way he talks in english, the way he shyly shakes his head when his friends asks him to do something embarrassing, (although he ends up doing it in the end.) Just everything about him is lovable and fantastic.

I've had a big fat crush on him since our first year, yet he still doesn't know that I exist. As he's always staring at his phone or hangs out with his friends or buries his face into an english book or reading book.

Apparently, it's been a dream of his to move and live in LA. And so he's "improving" his english skills, which is unnecessary in my opinion. As his pronunciation and understanding is great already.

He finds this side of his; as one of his 'flaws' , but honestly , I don't see it like that. I love every inch of him, starting from the head to toe.

I sigh in relief and comfort as I lean my head on one of the book shelves. I was at the library and in the next aisle was my beloved Namjoon reading and speaking out loud from an english book he was reading.

It was comfortable and soothing. Listening to his voice made me feel at ease and safe.

"Please come back, I'll love you better this time." Namjoon slowly and dramatically spoke, matching the emotions the characters supposedly felt.



A/N: for some reason I'm enjoying in writing this. 😂😂😂👌🏻💕 hope you enjoy~

Byeeeee. ✌🏻️💗

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