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Katerina Dragomir

" Here is your second class I have to go and stalk Rose now." He said messing around with me. Such a short while but Dimtri and I are already like brother and sister. I just laughed and waved at him as I walked into my class.

"Well, finally decided to join us did you Miss Dragomir." The teacher sneered at me. I smiled innocently at her and shrugged.

" I was to weak to walk here alone." I said to her while giveing her a blank stare.

" What do you meen you were to weak. I suppose you had fead off of Rosemary while you were gone." She gestured to me as my face turned hard and I sneered at her as the wind picked up around me.

" No, no I didn't. You would be wise not to accuse me or my sister's of anything you know nothing about." I said to her glareing at her with such anger and blind rage she took a couple steps back.

" I am not as selfish or cruel as you think of me. I didn't and never will ' feed' off of my family Miss. And you will not accuse me of it either." I said fiercely. She nodded her head in a shocked holy shit kind of way and gestured to the seats.

The whole class looked at me in shock as some of the guys winked at me. I rolled my eyes and sat toward the back.

" Hey, my name is Christian Ozera." Said the boy sitting next to me. I could see me being friends with him. He seemed cool. I think he is the guy that his parents turned Strigoi. Oh well I don't care.

" Im Katerina Dragomir. It's nice to meet you." I said smileing at him sweetly showing my fangs. He smiled back while shakeing my hand.

" You seem pretty powerful up there huh." He said smirking at me.

" That." I said pointing to the front of the room. He nodded I chuckled and shook my head." That was nothing. You have no idea what I can do. I'm an elemental." I informed him. He looked shocked at first but recovered easily.

" You mean elemental by like specializeing in all elements." He said his mouth hanging open slightly. I chuckled at him but nodded.

" Wow. That is powerful... My element is fire." He said doing a motion with his hand to be dramatic. I laughed and shook my head.

" OK, class lets prove what you're element is. Let's see if you specialized. Get in a line." Said the teacher to her students.

" Oh and I would like Katerina in front please." Said the teacher. I smirked at her and Christian chuckled pushing my forward lightly. I walked forward and stood in front of my teacher.

At first I made a fireball hover over my palm. I pulled Jesse Zeklos over to me and made it look like he was on fire but the fire never touched his body.

I then made a water ball hover over my palm and then I wrote my name in the air with the water from her fish tank with no fish.

I made the wind speed pick up to where the teacher was literally picked up from the ground. the teacher was in a state of shock as was the class and Jesse was just flat out crying.

 I walked over to the plant on her desk and touched the stem and it sprouted into a beautiful flower. I smiled and twirled around to the class.

The teacher looked at me with her mouth hanging wide open. She stumbled over to me and tripped at the last minute. I used my air to float her back up to a standing position. She just turned and told the class to continue.

When that class ended it was like the day went by in one huge blur. I was walking to lunch with Rose as she was talking to Victor. I felt Lissa's anxiety spike. Me and Rose looked at each other and picked up speed to the common room. Rose nearly ran right into Lissa. I grabbed Roses arm but nobody noticed our presence just yet.

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